Tuesday, January 15, 2013

cant help but to tear for one of our might-be-last conversation :(
knowing that he'll be gone aft tonite.. he'd be someone's :(
i'm still thankful that i was once being missed by him..
i'm still thankful that i had the chance to go thru watever we both have been thru tgt..
thou it's ridiculously short.. but i felt blissful.. at least for awhile..
i dunno how am i gonna handle this 2nd heartbreak..
but i know i'm gonna survive as time goes by..
felt so 无辜 having to be punished for someone's mistakes.. :(
but well.. it takes 2 hands to clap.. it'll be pointless if i force him into something he doesnt wants to..
perhaps we reali wan each other alot.. but without the courage to take the risk and the first leap..
everything goes down to nothing..
tonite.. i just wanna spend some nice and sweet time with him..
perhaps our last moment..
just let me indulge in it just for tonite..
i want to be greedy.. but i cant..
i must stay contented.. 

one day when u felt all alone and have no one to confide in, turn ard.. i'm always there to give u a real good hug..