Sunday, September 12, 2010

it's reali funny sometimes. the moment my fb status changed to "single" all the flies comes flocking by. even old flames whom i use to love alot and rejected me alot came by. reali wondering wat humans are tinking sometimes. i dunno.. but when i see the way they're talking to me now reali makes me wanna laugh. i used to give up everything for him and got myself so down n broken over him. now he came back? wat does he wan? reali ironic. but one thing i'm sure. it's all in the past. i wont even take a glance at him. it's too late isnt it? lol~ trying to grab hold of me now that i'm single. i reali dun tink it'll work. it onli make me wanna laugh reali hard lol. and seeing those guys that can show me sooooooo much concerns i dunno wanna say a "thank u for ur concern" or "stop being so fake" lol. it's like~ there's always a motive. truly lost faith in guys alr. they can be so damn nice and treat u like their world in the beginning but after awhile things wil definitely change. beautiful things dun last :) anyway the guy that i mentioned. is currently a big joke in my life. seeing that he's trying alot of ways to get me. but i'm sry i no longer feel anything for u. u gave it up not me. u totally tarnished me and break me into pieces. now u wanna glue everything back? sry i cant do it :) gd frens we shall be and i hope i get the respect. another thing i'm rather confused over.. to change for someone for a beautiful future isit reali that hard? =\ i'm posting the question to myself too. hais. i detest my past and my lifestyle. when i truly get the ans, it might all be too late. oh well.. wat belongs to me wil belong to me one day :) i'm not all fine but i will be better. i no longer wanna feign a fake smile anymore. it's tiring. just let me be alone for awhile til i can smile again. i'm very touch to all my frens who truly cared. my brother being so bothered by my things even on his bday. truly thankful :) sms from my more thn 10 yr sister. reali appreciate. and not forgetting rena and gina for caring no matter wat happened. last and not least, my dearest mum who have been very worried since she got the news. but i'm proud to say i'm doin gd infront of her. even if i'm feigning.. i just wan her to be happy.

i honestly stil love u.