Sunday, August 22, 2010

Just wanna share a song and a movie with anyone souls here. i dun care even if there isnt cos i just wanna keep a record of this show which i believe is PERFECT :) it's simply too amazing how a movie can portray so well the bondings in life. fatherly love, motherly love, brotherly and sister love. and of cos.. the love between a master and her dog. the bond they share is incomparable. a dog is truly a man's best fren. they're the ones that accepts us fully for who we are. dogs dun care if we're rich or poor, they dun care if we're beautiful or ugly, as long as we give them our heart, they'd love us more thn we love them. it's amazing how these creatures are much more wonderful thn humans sometimes. i'm ashame to be a human after witnessing so many true dog stories. and this shows somehow reminded me of my poor dawa who was set free by my mum few yrs back =\ hais. in the show the little girl fought so hard to get back mari but i did not do anything when dawa was gone. i hate myself for not having the courage to fight for wat i wanted. hais. i hope he's doing well thou.. dawa i miss u :(

and here's the ending song for it. very nice :)

dun ever call a dog, a lowly creature for we humans are much worst thn them.