Wednesday, May 24, 2006


was doin my bible study juz a few min ago.. and guess wat.. i tink i felt God's presence damn strongly!!! how amazing it is!! i was suppose to read up on genesis chap 4-6 today.. i read them and ended up reading more.. so i covered al the way to chap 12.. lol!!! ytd i covered The beginning, Adam and Eve and The fall of man.. today i did more =) i've covered Cain and Abel, From Adam to Noah, The flood, God's covenant with Noah, The sons of Noah, The table of nations, The tower of Babel, From Shem to Abram, The call of Abram and lastly for today, Abram in Egypt..

when i was at The call of Abram, God's presense was STRONGLY felt! i was listening to christian songs of cos.. and i was distracted by the song "Still" by hillsongs.. and i remembered david intro it to me too.. i didnt noe the title of this song when i was distracted.. thn i juz close my eyes and be ready to receive God's message for me.. and i was listening to the lyrics.. thn i check the title.. it was STILL!!! thn i'm like OMG! where got so qiao one?! =
i listened to it carefully and images were running in my head like mad! the one dream i always had since few years back.. i name it The forever comforting dream.. ok most of u dunno wat i mean.. i kept having this dream over and over again.. and it goes like this.. i always sees myself in a dark room with jesus on a stool in his white robe.. and me kneeling on the floor beside him, resting/crying on his lap.. and him sayanging me..

everytime the dream is always in this setting.. thn it will goes with different things.. once it was me crying over some dance stuffs.. some conflict i had with my old crew.. thn in the dream God did not speak but i felt the comfy.. and i remember seeing myself dancing infront of God in that dream.. i was awsome! i nv dance so well b4.. but it seems weird cos i nv done things liddat b4.. and the dream keeps coming to me.. not onli dance.. but the main part is the scene of me restin/crying on Jesus's lap..

i feel that it is a message from God to me.. but i cant get it.. what exactly am i suppose to noe from that dream??? =\ oh man.. pray that God wil speak to me more more more more more!!! lol.. and of cos.. during juz now the private "session" with God, i prayed for myself.. i prayed that he wil help me with my studies, my dance, my temper, my attitude basically, my life.. i felt that my life is a BIG BIG mess now.. thou nothing much is happening but i felt like it's a masked chaos.. =
juz pray thst everythin wil be fine.. and God.. pls speak me to MORE often -.- haha.. ok i went to search on the lyrics of the song STILL.. i somehow got abit of what God actually wanna tell me thru the song =) well.. God.. true enuff.. i wanna hide under ur wings.. like the song said.. "cover me within your mighty hand.." and this sentense.. "When the oceans rise and thunders roar.. I will soar with you above the storm." i wan it that way God.. and the last sentence.. "Know his power In quietness and trust.." this felt like the answer to my dream.. quietness.. like i said.. God did not talk to me at al in the dream.. no verbal messages.. and trust.. somehow.. trust was present in the dream.. if not why would i rest there.. so peacefully resting on Jesus's lap..

wow wow wow~! think i got God's message =) daddy i lvoe you!!! =)

Still - Hillsongs
Hide me now
Under your wings
Cover me
within your mighty hand

When the oceans rise and thunders roar
I will soar with you above the storm
Father you are king over the flood
I will be still and know you are God

Find rest my soul
In Christ alone
Know his power
In quietness and trust