Tuesday, May 23, 2006

hmm gd day i guess.. lesson went smooth.. presentation went well.. and one thing reali reali proud of myself.. lol.. i on Passion of Christ for few of my classies to watch.. and i realise the compassion in them =) oh man.. thank god.. easier to reach out to =) i explain things which they dun understand and try to tell thyem about god's love..

like.. jesus suffers al these for us ok.. u and me individually =) hopefully i can show them the truth =) thank god for giving me the right words to use.. cos initially i was afraid that i might offend them cos few of them are muslims ma.. not reali nice to say these kinda things.. but somehow god gave me the right words to say =)

hopefully can reach out to few of them =) now i wanna read more on my bible to gsin more understanding so i can explain better =) and also it's right for me to noe my god rite -____- wat a lousy christian i am sia.. =\ noeing onli so little =( i juz read on genesis chap 1-3.. from the beginning, to adam n eve and to the fall of man.. wanted to do a pic that summarises all.. but my brain reali CMI liao =
so i guess wil leave it til tml ba.. =) and also my BIG AUNTY reach liao.. =( sian.. pain like mad sia =\ damn weak now man =( like wan die dun wan die.. hang in the middle.. OMG.. cant even water margin =( no strength and concentration liao.. =\ OMG OMG OMG.. i wanna rest le.. gone for now.. wil blog in class tml =) dun even noe goin sch ma =X feel very weak... =\ if cramp thn not goin le.. since is communication =X hahaha..

oh and today's a suay day sia.. =\ i big aunt come, liyi and andy lost wallets, vern sick.. =\ OMG.. today nothin wrong ma.. 23rd.. not 13th also =\ no wonder i hate the number 3.. >=( rahh! pray everyone wil be fine.. *prays prays* and lol.. kenn chatted with me wor.. so funny.. hahaha.. but ya he's cute la.. lol! send me a song which i have for like 3-4version liao -.- ok nvm i'm a l'zefier fan alrite.. lol

ok i guess i better KO liao.. damn damn weak le.. no strength to type liao =( go nite everyone.. *muacks*

tonnes of misses deep within but there's nothing i can do but juz to look you hoping you'll be happy everyday.. i noe i cant do that.. well.. i'm a failure..