Wednesday, May 17, 2006

tiring day today =couldnt concentrate in class actually =well.. receieved email on the drama n hiphop ig.. seems like i'm damn freakin sian of the hiphop ig now =\ ytd had a "battle" with the stupid person from hiphop ig alongside with tosh with me.. haha =)

2 headed snake means 2 headed snake sia.. cannot tahan this kinda person.. if u al wan can request the chat log between me nhim and the conversation me, him and tosh had.. wahlao tink u al wil BLOOD SHOT in the eyes ar!! he simply sucks la.. and for some unknown reason, now he's talkin to me.. DAMN DAMN DAMN nicely.. haha.. wonder wat he heard.. lol

oh and i got new nail colours =) red, yello and blue lol.. damn cute! and the bottle's freaking cute! tml shall take pic of it and post here =) bathed my poor fishy today as well =) i reali dun dare to use my hand n transfer them over sia.. =\ so i did the shake shake and push push way lol =X my mum say they sure die very soon lol =(

wah damn tired le.. guess i better ZzZZzZzz now.. arbo gonna be dead.. today sch sucks =\ couldnt concentrate at al.. and the work's like SHIT! u noe? shit? SAIIIIII! =(

ok nites all................