Thursday, May 11, 2006

went northpoint with cheryl and saw this voodoos.. so came home and find some pics of them.. actually wanted to show vern.. but end up i post everythin here.. lol.. cos they're simply SOOOOOOOO cute!!! =D i wanna have a few of them lei.. =( but hor most is from overseas de hurhur.. can onli find a few in spore.. =\ hopefully can find some of the ones which i reali likes =) there are many kinds of voodoos here.. got guardian voodoo, love voodoo, healing voodoo, empowering voodoo and spell voodoo.. enjoy the pics =) shall blog in next post.. to prevent this post from gettin TOOOOOOOOOO long =\..

Name: Zombie
Description: Is there anybody who is harassing you or making you suffer? Ask Zombie to seal the person's evil mind. It will free you from the suffering.

Name: Samurai
Description: Samurai is a fighter, a protector, and a savior. It will keep wicked people away from you. Always feel safe and secure with your Samurai.

Name: Safety Boy
Description: We all live with hidden danger, hoping for a safe and happy life. Keep the Safety Boy with you. It will keep you safe, protecting you from accidents and injuries.

Name: Oni / Aka Oni
Description: Do you hope to gain more power? Do you need to be more courageous? Oni, a Japanese legendary ogre, is a guardian of power that will keep you stay strong in any situations.

Name: My Angel
Description: My Angel is a guardian of good luck. Let My Angel be with you, and believe in yourself. Things will start working out , and good luck and happiness are coming after you.

Name: Little Prince
Description: Family-a precious thing for everybody. Do you always pray for the safty and happiness of your loved ones? Well, Little Prince will hear your prayer. Let it be your family's guardian.

Name: Little Mummy
Description: Protect the everlasting love between you and your spouse with the Little Mummy. It will guard a couple's love, helping them stay faithful.

Name: Little Pirate
Description: Do you have any friends or family members who work or study being away from home or overseas? Captain Hook, the ruler of the sea, together with little pirate, will bring safety and security to those who are away from home.

Name: My Angel
Description: My Angel is a guardian of good luck. Let My Angel be with you, and believe in yourself. Things will start working out , and good luck and happiness are coming after you.

Name: Jungle Boy
Description: It is sometimes hard to get used to a new life ; being a freshman is inspearable from worries and stress. Jungle boy will give you the strength and skills to survive the new environment.

Name: Child Ghost
Description: Feel like paying somebody back and giving the person a lesson? Then, Child Ghost is your best choice. Look to Child Ghost for its naughty power to give the revenge!.

Name: Captian Hook
Description: Do you have any friends or family members who work or study being away from home or overseas? Captain Hook, the ruler of the sea, together with little pirate, will bring safety and security to those who are away from home.

Name: Bat Boy
Description: Are you often stay out late at night? Do you get off work in the midnight and hurry home in the dark? Keep the Bat Boy, and let it guard you from the danger in the dark.

Name: Baby Mummy
Description: The baby of Zombie and Little Mummy. It is the second powerful in the mummy tribe, and will prevent you from getting hurt by villains.