Wednesday, May 10, 2006

juz came back from kbox at TPY with classies.. =) celebrated liyi's bday and everythin's fun =) school's fun too.. it's gabriel's last lesson with us le =( he's leaving le.. hais.. how i wish he can stay.. =\ always liddat de lei! gd faci dun stay long.. lousy ones stay like FOREVER =( tml's another lousy day la SIAN! dun wanna see that F biatch's face man =\ she sucked! such a fun module can let her teach til like F sia =\ &^$$%#&*

i feel that many ppl ard me is tryin to cheer me up alot recently.. but guys.. trust me la.. i'm fine =) serious.. at least i can stil smile yea? =) juz need abit of time to adjust my mind back to the "i'm single and carefree mode" quote from one of my classie's msn nick "life's not about bf... blah blah" yea? agree! =) life's gonna be gd for me from now til forever.. even prob comes along, i'll accept and face it =) i believe god wil make a way =)

chatted with J abit in sch.. oh man.. things we chat about r making me goin mad la =( tons and tons of hatrad towards LJ sia.. NABEI! >=( and tons and tons of messed up feelings in me =\ well.. we both said leave everythin to fate la.. if it's meant to be, it's meant to be =) at least we once had reali truly LIVED in each other's heart and lives.. =) and for that, i'm truly thankful enough.. =)

also went to watch hiphop ig today la.. waliew one word to describe.. YUCKS =\ seriously la.. they cant F-king dance la!!! call themselves bboys or bgirls?!?!?!?!?! walan ehh.. JIASAI LA!!!! i'm gettin damn pissed when i saw them "BREAK" >=( they cant F-king toprock and cant even have nice footworks.. no freeze successfully done and onli noe how to POSE! i dun call them dancers i swear! i call them poseurs!!! dressed up like a dancer yet dance like shaking their butts! KAOX! CMI CMI CMI! (cannot make it)..

nvm! when i get into hiphop ig i swear i'll revamp the man.. kaox.. relai cannot tahan such lousy ppl sia! i mean if they're lousy it's not a sin.. we shudnt look down or discriminate them.. but the main prob here is they're f-king full of themselves and tinks that they can f-king break like wat tosh says.. walao.. cant take it sia! a few of them shows damn shitty attitude too lor like "ehh i'm a dancer.. how? wanna battle?!" kinda face..

ehh PLEASE LA!!!! dancer big F ar?!?! not as if u're president or wat.. kaox.. many ppl wanna be a dancer cos they tink it's cool.. nice costumes.. nice hairdos.. nice make ups.. about the same treatment as a star.. but dancer is easier cos onli need to dance.. but how wrong they r man! dancers are the HARDEST job in the entertainment line.. we practise 8hours a day juz to get the 5min MAX on stage? tat's pro dancers life la..

i hate it when ppl say they're dancer but they're actually not.. they say it cos it sound cool.. they say it cos they THINK they can dance.. kaox.. pls la.. when u see the outside dance industry.. thn u shall guage how GOOD u r.. and how COOL u look doin those steps on stage with wat a COOL make up u have.. argh! cant take it.. mad mad mad mad mad!!!!!!!!!

when receive his sms on the way home, my heart raced abit.. i noe i shudnt but well things juz ended.. i need time too ba.. so heart racing aint anythin wrong at this point of time i guess.. =\ glad he stil cares.. i feel sad actually.. for him.. wont wanna say it here la.. but it's ok.. i noe can le.. dun come ask me.. i wont say.. thanks..