Friday, May 19, 2006

Having 2nd breakout now.. hmm not feeling very gd.. tink having stupid PMS =( mood been reali bad recently.. realise is since ytd.. i told vern and andy i got PMS liao lol.. to "warn" them first of my "red alert" lol =\ but seriously la.. my att prob stays stil =( juz had a tiff with him.. aiya sian la.. dunno is relai my prb or whose prob.. hais.. seems like we can never communicate well.. it was liddat.. it is liddat and i tink it wil be liddat in the future.. =(

watever la.. tink i very hard to communicate with 1989s.. seriously.. maybe except for emi and vern ba.. ytd had reallllll fun with vern online lol!!! madness! we played water margin and ALOT of stupid things came out from it -____- watever la.. al the jokes on me AS USUAL -_- lol.. hmm i tink it's fun la.. hes a DAMN LAME guy.. lol!!!

ok i tink i'm missing emi baby now =( EMI!!! can we talk tonite?!?! i missh u nei =((((( u faster go dl water margin lei.. thn we play tgt la.. =( i also miss dancing so damn much.. ytd's audit the freestyle component i reali had fun man!!! the whacking i did.. it was WOW! lol.. i mean the feelin la not the skill haha.. =X the last time i reali whack was at barcelona.. imagine HOW LONG it had been =
ok gone for lesson soon.. having tummy reaction now =( and abit of headache cos ytd didnt slpw ell.. hais.. sian la.. argh.. and oh ya.. i hate my team =\ fuckin idiotic.. got that female 1989.. knn! she suck! if she give me att today i swear i'm gonna give it back to her.. a perfect day for att prob today for me man.. =\ argh i HATE PMS!!!!!!!!!! PMS u SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! get awy fromme soon PLS I BEG UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.. =(

and i'm damn worried for my one and onli last lil angel sia =\ this morning it seems better thn ytd le.. but it's stil very weak =( hope it wil be fine =( i miss my angels =(