Monday, May 29, 2006


ytd was a B-O-R-I-N-G day at home -_-.. was stuck home due to no programme.. and i woke up like 4pm -.- thn actually wanna go the christian concert.. end up =( cos emi got o level today.. thn i too late let vic noe.. thn en dup stuck home le lo =( nvm la.. spend the day with mummy for lunchner thn water margining whole day liao lol =X

i lvl up til 34 le wor.. muahaha! =D game til 2am @_@ thn now very steam steam one sia.. lol~ very tired sia.. OMG~ thn now stil programming.. omg omg.. @_@ YAY~ my big aunty "go home" liao muehehe! my goodie mood is back =) wahaha.. ok i go study le =) shall blog tonite =)

"steaming my brain".........................................