Tuesday, May 09, 2006

low morale =overslept today.. was late for UT.. =\ and i swear my UT's RIP liao.. hais.. =( should have slept early ytd.. =\ slept at 3+ sia.. sian.. couldnt get to sleep at al lo.. hais =( today got my damn puffy eyes and damn painful headache =\ oh and got tummy reaction today somemore.. argh.. =( today aint a gd day for me sia.. =
hopefully following of the days wil be better ba.. chatted with alot of ppl ytd.. thanks to al my concern frens =) my classmates, billy, emi, jason.. thanks man =) i wil be strong dun worry peeps =) juz celebrated liyi's bday =)

dunno wat stupid feeling is in me now =\ juz feel like digging a hole n stuck my head in it.. =\ juz feel like having another round of heavy cry =( but i noe i cant.. i muz stick to my words.. "one last cry.." once and for all.. tears are representative of weakness and i shall not be weak.. =\ my heart's cryin.. however.. =..( haiz.. may my heart be heal real soon =
Happy 18th girl!! =)