Friday, May 12, 2006

this i reali wanna say.. i love jesus so damn much now.. ytd watched passion of christ didnt noe i wil cry so badly =\ from beginning of show non stop crying remix til the end lei.. =\ li hai hor?! this show is like 9879843578265827365times better thn windstruck liao la!! broke my record for crying lol!!

thou i already noe the story but it was juz told to me verbally by my church pastors.. i noe i feel sad for jesus for wat he went thru.. but i didnt noe i wil feel THIS sad.. =( i see al the strokes on jesus's body.. walao!!! my heart CUI AR!!!!! =....( seeing how the ppl ill-treated my lord i relai feelin like juz slap them to death! but no.. jesus teaches us to love ur enemy.. =( bobian lo..

and watchin the show also helps me learn abit.. remember one part is about jesus's disciple Judah.. he cursed the kids.. thn the kids says him "u cursed.. so u r cursed within" so i learn that dun curse ppl for when u curse, u r cursed within.. =) u noe seeing how the ppl scolded jesus, malign him, hit him.. stone him and spit on him, i reali feel like shouting at them lor.. =(

wah tat sho reali breaks my heart like mad.. =((( seeing jesus without complainin letting them hurt him.. lettin them scold him, lettin them say nasty stuffs even thou he can do somethin to protect himself.. reali make me damn CUI! =(((( but he obeyed god.. he stil pray for the ppl who crucified him lei!! walao!! hurhur!! =............(

and when he's on the cross there's another man who's being crucified too.. he heard jesus praying for the ppl, he noe tat jesus is real.. and he asked for forgiveness for his sins and wanna be with jesus eternally.. he said to jesus "forgive me.. and will u keep me in ur memory?" jesus said "amen i say to u.. from now on u wil be with me.. in paradise" wahhhhhh! xingfu lei! if onli i can hear from jesus as well..

well.. i heard from jesus =) i listens to the truth and trust in him =) oh ya.. one part the was questionin jesus.. jesus said things like "the truth.." thn the king wonders "wat's the truth.." and he ask his queen.. but the queen said somethin real meaningful.. "no one can tell u the truth unless u wan to hear it urself.." wahseh! SALUTE! =)

i wanna watch it again lei.. lol =X ok shall watch it when the nest day got no outing or sch haha.. swollen eyes arrrr =( hmm now waiting for time to pass.. lol.. waiting for that willie's call la.. -_- haha.. after tat goin out with him le =) so tired.. @_@ waliew raining damn heavily now.. =( pls stop soon..