Saturday, May 27, 2006

WM marathon!!

juz made new skin again hehe =) but hor i tink i wil use back my Holy blogskin again lol! dunno lei.. i love that skin much much more.. but now i juz put this first la.. since made le lol.. dun wan so BLACK liao.. lol decided to try new feel.. =) did a pink one.. i noe my skin it's either pink or black as base.. but sorry la.. that's my fave ma hehe =)

anyway this skin i got the inspiration from the song "love will find a way" =) and the scrolling thingy i stil cant figure out how to change the bloody height =( but nvm la.. can la hehe =X and i finally noe how to change font lol =X edited my wishlist as well =) ok shud talk about last nite lol..

vern n sean stayed over and DAMN DAMN funny.. i felt like i'm at a chalet la even thou it's my house lol! we slept in the livin room.. i on the aircon and we game WHOLE nite! lol!!! til ard 2am, sean KO on the sofa without switchin off his lappie lol!! thn after awhile i BTH thn i KO.. i tell vern i leech him first thn i rest awhile lol.. end up.. erm.. i reach dreamland and never step out til morning lol =X

but i got wake up a few times la.. cos sean keep hitting me!!! >=( and he keep kicking vern lol!!! thn me n vern whole nite keep wake up, slp, wake up, slp -____- the funny thing is we wake up tgt hor, we nv talk or even look at each other thn we play out game lol!!! but i juz check my msn thn i go ZZzZZzz again liao lol!! i tink vern also..

thn i woke up at 8am go call mummy wakey ma.. thn vern damn kelian sia.. slp at the tiny pathetic corner! lol! all thanks to sean's wu ying jiao lol!! when mummy go out thn we move to room i ZzZZzz thn sean n vern watch cartoon.. after awhle i wake up thn sean ZzZzZz lol! thn men vern play game again.. lol!

thn mummy came home at ard 1.45 thn she cook porridge for us lol! we eat le thn game again! hahaha! whe eating we crap ALOT ar.. thn that sean as usual la.. NEVER fnish his food due to takingin too much air cos of talkin lol! =X thn game game game til 4pm.. thn vern have to leave le cos he meeting his frens.. thn we al went to CK cos i wanna buy face mask hehe.. hiao liao =p thn after that went home le lo.. thn i did my blog til now liao lol!

my eye look like this now liao @_@ lol! tml gonna KTV with vern n sean again.. i tink liyi wil join us ba.. lol she mad over it lol! might ask the other princes along as well =) ok i decided le no more 8xian but 8prince and princesses ok? cos xian reali damnn cheena la -_- and since al of us so damn BHB thn let our name be extreme BHB ba lol!! and the W25E kingdom lol! ok nvm.. i go game le lol! gaming marathon sia..

got abit emo juz now while doin bloggyskin =\ thot of him.. haix.. he sure have a busy day today one.. have to wake up so early thn stil got the run thing.. hope he wil take care of himself ba.. i have to let it go.. and i will.. cos i wan no more friction between the 8 f us anymore.. since the after-effect period had been so long.. it shud end.. well jiayou jiayou! bet dancer making in progress =p