Monday, May 08, 2006

the end..
everythin ended..
thou not as devastated as wat i had been thru..
but stil i'm sad.. =(
i'm too shattered to write anythin now..
i guess i wil blog later thn..
gd nite..

_________________ran away from reality awhile____________________

ok i'm back to edit my post abit.. i went to read on the quotes of the day.. these are wat i found to relieve my pain abit.. =
"i'm going to smile and make you think i'm happy, i'm going to laugh, so you don’t see me cry, I’m going to let you go in style, and even if it kills me- I’m going to smile"

"Sometimes you've got to let everything go - purge yourself. If you are unhappy with anything . . . whatever is bringing you down, get rid of it. Because you'll find that when you're free, your true creativity, your true self comes out."

yea.. i'm goin to smile no matter wat.. a fake smile is better thn no smile rite? =\ can i juz vanish from this earth?!?! reali sick n tired of alottttt of things =( tml's UT yet i noe nothin on wat wil come out.. =\ ok back to my feelings.. ya i agree that if i feel that its unhappy i shud let it go earlier.. many say me.. "why u stil so silly?!?!" i noe la.. but well.. "a leopard never change it's spot" =\ i stil hold on tightly to my beliefs in love.. "never risk never noe.." hais..

well.. i was proven once again that "no no no not this one" =( when wil i find my HIM?!?! =( okok patient i noe.. =\ listening to alot of emo songs now.. hais.. onli wish things wil be fine after tonite.. =\ i noe god wil give me back my smile soon =) a true smile deep from my heart.. tml's gonna visit hiphop ig booth.. hopefully could show my true smiles there..

like someone say b4 "xinwei i realise u can onli REALI smile when u're onstage or dancing.."=\ oh man.. i guess my bf or husband is reali mr dance liao =\ well.. mr dance is always there for me.. since i was 15.. dance nv gives up on me.. thou i gave up on it once.. dance is wat i truly wan.. someone/something that never betrays me.. finally i'm improving.. i wanna be better.. thn i'll be the best! at least in my own world.. i shall rule it myself..!!!! no one touches my life no one mess with it!

gonna live life to the fullest with al my sweetie frens ard me.. gonna live life to the max with my pretty mummy.. gonna enjoy life til i cannot enjoy anymore! and i'm gonna be better.. a much much better gf, fren, daughter, person thn i was b4! "breakup hurts.. it makes u fall.. yes it's true.. but it also is a huge force that pushes u to move n be better and stronger in life.."

p/s:thanks babes (cheryl, sheryl and liyi..) i love u girls lots.. =) hugshugs.. no worries ok.. i'll be fine =) and of cos my dearest baby emi.. =) thanks girl.. no worries ok.. i'll be ok.. i'm STRONG =) like u always say.. =)

after tonite, everythin's the past.. no more dwelling.. no more sulking.. life goes on and dreams stil alive.. we've gone our seperate ways and yeap tat's it.. al the best to him for his studies n dreams.. last wish for him is that he'll learn n noe wat is true love.. and find his ms right soon.. -loves-