Wednesday, May 03, 2006

this is the face i can describe my deep feelings in me now =) i dunno why.. but i'm feeling very very comfy now.. it's juz like everythin's outta my head.. no worries.. juz listening to the song "give thanks" =) ok i've dl ALOT of P&W song today =X i noe! i noe dl is not gd.. against law ma.. rite? =\ but hor.. POK LIAO LA! =\ how to buy cd?!?!

lol.. anyway.. school suck today =\ had communication practises.. i can say the faci DAMN DAMN DAMN bias la!!! *&%%#%^%*& give us attitude and alot alot la.. idiot.. angry sia! reali make til my team wanna leave lor.. but lucky we didnt la.. hopefully next few lesson wil be better.. i damn scared i wil fail this moule lor =\ got a C for the 1st week =\ and A for last week.. but A is cos the faci diff ma =( i wan GANESH LA!!!!! walao!!!

can someone juz drive and BANG this faci down?!?! >=( ok thou shall not swear or curse.. ok sorry.. =X in sch i damn sian la.. like my team got one person turn me off.. and the faci turn me off.. thn my team the besties with me one al also sian.. so we al moodless.. cos sian+sian+sian=EXTREME SIAN! =( somemore somethin made me felt worst abit la.. but SHHHHHHHH =p after awhile it was nothin la.. haha juz the mood we had at that time wasnt rite but now ok le =)

after sch went to movie with nic, andy and sheryl.. watched election2.. not nice! =( i wanna ZzZzZ inside sia =\ but ok la.. tried to watch lo.. thn after that go G12 with nic.. session's gd =) felt lke i'm back to YMM's cell.. stil can remember simon's cell.. ARGH! i miss my tiny cell =( all of them! thou there's onli few of us.. but we were seriously having FUN! til we combined with ps yvonne's cell.. thn SIAN =X reali sia.. hais.. miss them all!!! where r u guys?!?! kiankuen?! Lionel?! shawn?! emmie?! gracia?! abi?! kiankei?! paul?! kelvin?! veron?! oh man.. i miss al of u =(

may god guide me in everythin i do.. =) *i like this feeling of u and me.. juz like this and i'm happy enough.. thanks baby.. =)