Wednesday, May 31, 2006


sian.. damn sian.. i'm in a group whereby there's NO LIFE.. =( got this one person damn making me turned off la.. thou we're good frens in sch and class la.. but i tink during lesson PLEASE dun put us tgt in a team la.. cant work tgt at all lor.. say ppl dominant.. he himself also hao ma.. kaox.. ask him things another one dun wanna answer one.. forever in his own world..

juz like some "selfish" ppl like he said ytd.. doin al the work himself.. eh pls la.. everyone needs to elarn and do things not onli u.. kaox.. i dun wanna confront la.. forget it.. of cos.. i dun deny he's a gd fren.. but i swear i dun like such kinda working attitude.. >=( everyday in his bloggin world.. everyday onli noe how to talk talk and talk.. ppl ask things also reply irrelevant things..

sian la.. i dun like over dominant ppl sia.. =\ dominant is ok but not OVER.. argh.. bth sia.. talk bout it makes me damn freaking turn off.. >=( fine lo.. another same incident liao.. noe nothing yet team mates dun wanna say.. sian la.. nvm thn.. dun expect a gd result today also..

i wanna dance la.. SIAN! kaox.. tml thn can dance.. gonna dance like mad man!!! hahahaha! =) ok here's some pictures =) enjoy....

Me me me and me alone =)

Nice ma?? i do for my dearest brothers of NSS =)

me and vern in class.. wahaha.. he needa squad alot to cater to my height =X