Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Ok i was damn bored that's why i went surfing on net and found these few quiz so i damn sian i went to take them lol.. i dunno is it true but i wil comment below la.. the fonts in red is my comment lol.. =) oh and this is a DAMN funny video.. liyi gave it to me and i'm like HAHAHA-ing al the way lol.. enjoy =)

What are your secret SKILLS?

Mostly As - two-sided babe
You use both parts of your brain equally.

school: You like art classes, but you're not bad at science either. Sometimes you find a creative solution to a technical prob, or you use your math know-how to calculate a room redo.

love and friends: It's hard to decide between the supersmart sweetie and the quiet artistic hottie. That's because your mate is another combo-brainer. Your buds love that you're always up for dancing or a study group.

style: You like clothes that are trendy and popular, but you own 'em by adding a funky belt, scarf or jewelry that's totally you!

future: The job for you is one in which you can use both your creativity and your smarts. Check out architecture or medicine.

of cos i use both side of my brain.. tink i'm like liyi?? =X hehe kiddin la =) i love arts ya.. i'm not bad at sci.. hmm can i say onli in biology?? =\ lol my frens love me cos of my hypeness?? ask them ba hahaha! who dun like trendy clothes -_- yea i love to add extra stuff to it.. see!! my dream job.. dancer and designer.. both are creative jobs ehh but architecture abit erm.. MAI LAI LA!!! =\ medicine i would love to if onli dun nid math =(

Is your crush worthy of you?

MOSTLY As - On the Right Track

The more green lights you checked, the more likely it is that this guy is worthy of a girl as cool as you. Not only that, but you seem to have found a good match. “Opposites might attract,” Los Angeles therapist Tess Hightower admits, “but the attraction is short-lived and burns out quickly. The more similarities you share with someone, the better.” Common interests are important, but common beliefs and values really matter the most. “It's the relationships that build, that start as friendship, that really succeed,” Hightower says. “The most important thing to remember is that there are a lot of guys out there.”

muehehehehe! i got a TINY crush =p but i'm not gonna say.. lalala i'm not gonna say =X see! this test say he's a MR almost perfect lol =X almost la.. but aiya onli test ma.. hor hor hor.. sians.. no courage = no chance.. haha.. too bad thn.. lalala.. gonna keep shut dun ask me anythin =p bleah

Which celebrity you resembles?

You have a rebel vixen vibe like Angelina Jolie

You sex kitten, you. Your dark and body-skimming wardrobe gives you an air of mystery similar to that of smoldering hot Angelina Jolie. From your black leather Gucci pants to your leopard-print Dolce & Gabbana stilettos, there's nothing girly-girl about you. But why not soften things up a bit? No, we wouldn't ask you to wear a, gasp, floral-print full skirt, but what about a white ruffle blouse? And some color would be nice. Pretty pastels, whether in the form of makeup or a sweater, are flattering for everyone. Look -- if you really learn to love these feminine flourishes, it'll be our little secret. Everyone else will still think you're the tough chick you pretend to be.

ME?! SEX?! HELLO~~~ -_- i tink machine spoile lol.. ya my wardrobe is like 70% black.. but that was in the past.. -_- now is like so RAINBOWISH lol =) thou i dunno who is angelina jolie but i noe she's the sexy sexy kind which is 100% not me -_- but one thing is true.. i'm not the girly-girl kind.. haha woots~ i'm a tough chick?? lol can i be a chinchilla instead? why chick.. lol ok LAME -_- ok this one zhun ornt dun ask me.. ask my ex bfs.. haha

Which celebrity best describe the perfect match?

The Boy Next Door: Matt Damon

When it comes to love, you're looking for a man with "white picket fence" potential: the guy who will compliment your mom, helps clean the dishes and could melt the polar ice caps with his smile. He's not always perfect and can be a tad too predictable at times, but you'll love the fact that he's got a dependable job, coaches Little League on the weekends and still finds time to let you know how much he loves you. He's more "apple pie" than "devil's food cake" -- but that means the last thing he'll want to do is break your heart.

boy next door?? hmm.. maybe.. but i dunno yi always get NON boy next door one -_- either ah beng or act beng or paikia -_- why i so suay?!?! >=( but true la i wan those stable stable one.. can mix ard well with anyone ard me.. actually this reali tells the kinda guy i wan man lol XD the job part.. thn coaches lil leagues on weekends.. SO SWEET!! yet stil find time for me.. OMG OMG!! i wil fall like mad if i find this kind lol =X

ok anyway i go ZzZZZzZzZzz liao haha.. anyway my eyecandy added me wor muehehehe =X ok i'm so flirt! got eyecandy stil got crush wahaha =X but both diff thing ma hor?! eyecandy = see nia.. crush = abit like but not like.. lol =X tml got UT!! omg (_-_)ZzZzz.. sure die and it's SCIENCE.. &*%^&%$#$%! sians!!! watever la.. i go le wan an peeps muacks muacks =)


sian.. damn sian.. i'm in a group whereby there's NO LIFE.. =( got this one person damn making me turned off la.. thou we're good frens in sch and class la.. but i tink during lesson PLEASE dun put us tgt in a team la.. cant work tgt at all lor.. say ppl dominant.. he himself also hao ma.. kaox.. ask him things another one dun wanna answer one.. forever in his own world..

juz like some "selfish" ppl like he said ytd.. doin al the work himself.. eh pls la.. everyone needs to elarn and do things not onli u.. kaox.. i dun wanna confront la.. forget it.. of cos.. i dun deny he's a gd fren.. but i swear i dun like such kinda working attitude.. >=( everyday in his bloggin world.. everyday onli noe how to talk talk and talk.. ppl ask things also reply irrelevant things..

sian la.. i dun like over dominant ppl sia.. =\ dominant is ok but not OVER.. argh.. bth sia.. talk bout it makes me damn freaking turn off.. >=( fine lo.. another same incident liao.. noe nothing yet team mates dun wanna say.. sian la.. nvm thn.. dun expect a gd result today also..

i wanna dance la.. SIAN! kaox.. tml thn can dance.. gonna dance like mad man!!! hahahaha! =) ok here's some pictures =) enjoy....

Me me me and me alone =)

Nice ma?? i do for my dearest brothers of NSS =)

me and vern in class.. wahaha.. he needa squad alot to cater to my height =X

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


boo.. i'm home.. so early rite.. haha.. i reach home like ard 5.45 i tink.. lol! was eating thn reading newspaper.. haha yea.. and i bought lemon and honey =) noe wat i'm gonna do le ba.. haha as usual.. JIAN FEI-ing =) i tink it's reali time for me to jian fei liao =\ lookin at my waist goin horizontally and my height seems goin lower and lower that's like damn scary =
no wonder no guys wan me =( lol.. anyway being single is good la.. haha.. *iguess* =\ or at least dun like anyone is the best =) juz lead the carefree life i had when i was 15 to 17.. those "i never like anyone" "i'm not in love" feeling.. ya.. thou it's somehow lonely.. but well.. better thn everydya get hurt rite?? =\ seeing things u dun like.. hearing things u dun like.. =
i know it's like "lying" to yourself la.. but better thn keep thinking and thinking rite.. =\ argh.. relax and dun give a shit damn =) haha! i juz read the newspaper on the m'sia tragedy =\ and OH MAN! it sux! =\ little boy.. goin pri 1 next yr.. DEAD! =( reading the news bring tears to me =( but the heart warming thing is that there r heroes that r reali reali giving a helping hand.. and they rocks =)

thank god for ppl like this.. =) oh man.. i'm tired.. but i dun wan slp.. cos if i slp sure tonite no nid slp liao lol =X hmm tml's communication SIAN!!!! X( watever la.. juz go n do lo.. soon it'll be holiday =) i wanna dance and swim and run and play!!! like MAD!! wahahaha! i go game le.. goodebye =)

i tink i'm shaken but i wont allow myself to fall anymore cos it hurts..

Monday, May 29, 2006

Eyecandy X\

DAMN IT! i was scanning on frenster to see RP student.. and DAMIT i saw my eyecandy X( and guess wat.. his frenster is like "onli accessible to those norris is closely connected with" kaox! sian one lei! thn i found that my sec sch alot of ppl in RP sia lol~ and oh ya.. i saw my pri sch fren today.. gek teng haha!

juz now after sch waited for vern.. me n andy stay in sch to do some nonsense.. i did my photoshop and he, CS.. lol -_- thn we went causeway to jalan jalan.. thn ate at KFC.. thn by the time we finish eating thn that vern come -_- slow poke sia =X his face very red sia lol! damn cute.. CHILLI! not me anymore wahaha! =X

i took 965 with him home.. the journey takes 20min lei.. maybe i can try taking it in the morning see if it's crowded.. lol.. he damn damn damn damn lame la! X\ lame dao BAO ZHA sia!!! i chilli he chill -_- chilli chill chill or chilli chilli chill.. ok L-A-M-E! (_-_) we say thurs can go home tgt also lol.. cos he got floorball in sch thn i got dance ma.. thn he end at 6 i end at 7.. thn he say he go C-H-I-L-L lol! -_- reali bth him.. damn cold..

anyway my lil angel scare me today -_- i saw it's like swimming side ways =\ thn i abit scared liao.. but when i pour food in it swim dman fast lol.. CHEY! liar.. -_- it's learnin sidestroke la lol =X wah damn damn sian sia.. tml dunno wanna go dance ornt lei.. shud i or shud i not?!?! =( like so extra if i go cos is senior's class..

aiya shall see how tml ba =) if classie nv go out thn i go dance lo if classie goin out thn i go go out with them ba =) anyway i buy the teddy bear HP accessory le =) the 7-11 sell one lol.. damn cute lei.. pinkish pink =) OMG i tink i better go do my bible study.. i mis slike 2days liao =X okok thn i shall go WM-ing again.. muehehe =) hope to see my eyecandy tml =) hehe.. but i dun wanna noe him sia.. cos learn b4 le.. "eyecandies is juz for sight pleassure.. if cross that border = DEATH.." =
thus i juz see can liao haha.. tink he yr 3 also lor.. cannot see for long also lol =X nvm la.. my class got one yandao also ma.. lol.. vern i mean.. haha.. he today reali shuai sia.. aiya nv take pic.. wasted lol.. he wore the long sleeve la.. i like guys dress up liddat =) smart and casual.. ok very chim nvm lol =X juz noe that it's nice la lol.. ok off i go -gone-

learning to let go.. easing the sourness.. easing the pain.. clearing al memories of u.. and yes i will.. i'm not gonna let the sight affect me anymore and i wil not care that bitch if she dun step on my tail..

ytd was a B-O-R-I-N-G day at home -_-.. was stuck home due to no programme.. and i woke up like 4pm -.- thn actually wanna go the christian concert.. end up =( cos emi got o level today.. thn i too late let vic noe.. thn en dup stuck home le lo =( nvm la.. spend the day with mummy for lunchner thn water margining whole day liao lol =X

i lvl up til 34 le wor.. muahaha! =D game til 2am @_@ thn now very steam steam one sia.. lol~ very tired sia.. OMG~ thn now stil programming.. omg omg.. @_@ YAY~ my big aunty "go home" liao muehehe! my goodie mood is back =) wahaha.. ok i go study le =) shall blog tonite =)

"steaming my brain".........................................

Saturday, May 27, 2006

WM marathon!!

juz made new skin again hehe =) but hor i tink i wil use back my Holy blogskin again lol! dunno lei.. i love that skin much much more.. but now i juz put this first la.. since made le lol.. dun wan so BLACK liao.. lol decided to try new feel.. =) did a pink one.. i noe my skin it's either pink or black as base.. but sorry la.. that's my fave ma hehe =)

anyway this skin i got the inspiration from the song "love will find a way" =) and the scrolling thingy i stil cant figure out how to change the bloody height =( but nvm la.. can la hehe =X and i finally noe how to change font lol =X edited my wishlist as well =) ok shud talk about last nite lol..

vern n sean stayed over and DAMN DAMN funny.. i felt like i'm at a chalet la even thou it's my house lol! we slept in the livin room.. i on the aircon and we game WHOLE nite! lol!!! til ard 2am, sean KO on the sofa without switchin off his lappie lol!! thn after awhile i BTH thn i KO.. i tell vern i leech him first thn i rest awhile lol.. end up.. erm.. i reach dreamland and never step out til morning lol =X

but i got wake up a few times la.. cos sean keep hitting me!!! >=( and he keep kicking vern lol!!! thn me n vern whole nite keep wake up, slp, wake up, slp -____- the funny thing is we wake up tgt hor, we nv talk or even look at each other thn we play out game lol!!! but i juz check my msn thn i go ZZzZZzz again liao lol!! i tink vern also..

thn i woke up at 8am go call mummy wakey ma.. thn vern damn kelian sia.. slp at the tiny pathetic corner! lol! all thanks to sean's wu ying jiao lol!! when mummy go out thn we move to room i ZzZZzz thn sean n vern watch cartoon.. after awhle i wake up thn sean ZzZzZz lol! thn men vern play game again.. lol!

thn mummy came home at ard 1.45 thn she cook porridge for us lol! we eat le thn game again! hahaha! whe eating we crap ALOT ar.. thn that sean as usual la.. NEVER fnish his food due to takingin too much air cos of talkin lol! =X thn game game game til 4pm.. thn vern have to leave le cos he meeting his frens.. thn we al went to CK cos i wanna buy face mask hehe.. hiao liao =p thn after that went home le lo.. thn i did my blog til now liao lol!

my eye look like this now liao @_@ lol! tml gonna KTV with vern n sean again.. i tink liyi wil join us ba.. lol she mad over it lol! might ask the other princes along as well =) ok i decided le no more 8xian but 8prince and princesses ok? cos xian reali damnn cheena la -_- and since al of us so damn BHB thn let our name be extreme BHB ba lol!! and the W25E kingdom lol! ok nvm.. i go game le lol! gaming marathon sia..

got abit emo juz now while doin bloggyskin =\ thot of him.. haix.. he sure have a busy day today one.. have to wake up so early thn stil got the run thing.. hope he wil take care of himself ba.. i have to let it go.. and i will.. cos i wan no more friction between the 8 f us anymore.. since the after-effect period had been so long.. it shud end.. well jiayou jiayou! bet dancer making in progress =p
woots.. juz came home from KTV with vern, sean and liyi =) damn funny nite we have lol!! reali is laugh til mad one.. esp our last song.. "it's my life" walao see the 2 guys sing i reali went mad lol!!! anyway i was damn angry in class today la.. fuckin xiangting.. kaox.. knn action sia!!! and tat BIAS faci.. KAOX KAOX KAOX! see.. every class SURE got black sheep one! see la.. here's mine.. her name is Xiangting!!! fuck sia.. got A big fuck ar?!?!

fuck care her la.. wasting my time on her.. kiaox.. anyway vern n sean's at my place now.. haha.. gonna have a gamer nite tonite!! woots! jiayou jiayou! ok i go GAME le wahaha! goode bye =)

Thursday, May 25, 2006


juz reach home after HHIG session.. my god.. i'm dman dman tired.. Daddy in heaven.. can i study my bible tml?? =\ i'm damn shag to read anymore thing le =( sorry ar.. since i read ALOTTTT ytd rite? hehehehe =X aiya my daddy so gd.. nvm one la hor? muehehe =X

i'm juz so so so so tired.. i feel like juz lie there and ZzZzZzzzzzzzzz.. all the way to tml lol!! ok lesson today in class was FUN! new faci.. not bad.. keep disturbing me.. "iko SAN" -.- tink can get minimum B la.. dun wanna wish for a A arbo nv get damn sad one.. =\ ok my cognitive problem solving got a A again!!! YAY!!! XD session at HHIG was fun too =)

learnt 6steps, tops and baby freeze.. ok al these i noe le.. so i got not much prob in them =) and haha i got my CHAIR!!! muahaha! li hai ba?!?! finally sia! lol.. madness.. been wanting to get that like since 9878435385295988years ago -___- finally!!! hahaha!thou not very zai la.. ok nvm it's a rocky chair wahaha! i join emi family liao.. rocky lol!

got to noe a few frens there.. ok not few but ALOT! @_@ cnt even get their names into my head lol.. onli remember the few closer one.. ismail (dunno izit liddat spell =X), ain, minmin, gina.. omg the rest i forgot half liao =X nvm la.. hha slowly remember.. =) got a few girls very "NRA" seh sia lol!! but onli looks la.. haha =X afterall.. i tink it's fun la.. =)

long time nv break liao.. body super stiff lol! lucky my baby freeze stil there.. =) call me the master of ababy freeze lol! cos that's the onli thing i can do la! tao yan!! =( but i can rocky chair le hor hor hor!!! =p and noe a senior (who's younger thn me but cos he's yr 2 so ya.. senior -_-) name yoyo. damn funny can.. he wanna leaen whacking!! WHACKING!!! can u imagine that?? a guy actually wanna learn it! RESPECT!! i taught him abit la =)

and that CA walao ehh.. keep disturbing me with my steps during audition =( tao yan sia! lol.. watever.. -______- wah i damn tired liao.. tink gonna KO real soon.. heng nv go MOX ar.. arbo i sure RIP there.. lol! anyway aiya expected la.. they always buay steady one.. xi guan jiu hao la.. anyway i did a pic =) of myself.. well self indulging =p hope u al tink it's nice =) ok tired le.. i go MSN-ing awhile thn (_-_)ZzzZzzzZZzzzz le.. muehehe.. nitey nite nite =) *muacksmuacks*

wanted to do this for my msn dp.. but thn hor.. i put awhile thn see again.. waliew like song kah photo =X like those "in the loving memory of ryuiko michya" KAOX! X(

ok i LOVEEE this muehehe =X i noe it's damn plain n simple la.. but i dunno lei i tink very sweet sia =X sibei bu yao lian *slaps* lol.. i like the way my hair is in this pic.. qiao qiao one =) and the cool yet not very cool yet quite cool smile X hehehehehe! and my name.. in PINK!!! wahahaha! fave colour =) ok -gone-

juz a song to intro.. =) it's a christian song but it's damn meaningful =) wil be back later =)

I will be there for you - Jessica Andrews

When I lost faith
You believed in me
When I stumbled
You were right there
For every act of love you've done
I owe you one...

There were hard times
I know I survived
Just because you stayed by my side
With all I have, with all I am
I promise you all my life...

Whenever the road is too long
Whenever the wind is too strong
Wherever this journey may lead to
I will be there for you
Oh, I will be there for you...

Through sorrow
On the darkest night
When there's heartache
Deep down inside
Just like a prayer, you will be there
And I promise you all my life...

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


was doin my bible study juz a few min ago.. and guess wat.. i tink i felt God's presence damn strongly!!! how amazing it is!! i was suppose to read up on genesis chap 4-6 today.. i read them and ended up reading more.. so i covered al the way to chap 12.. lol!!! ytd i covered The beginning, Adam and Eve and The fall of man.. today i did more =) i've covered Cain and Abel, From Adam to Noah, The flood, God's covenant with Noah, The sons of Noah, The table of nations, The tower of Babel, From Shem to Abram, The call of Abram and lastly for today, Abram in Egypt..

when i was at The call of Abram, God's presense was STRONGLY felt! i was listening to christian songs of cos.. and i was distracted by the song "Still" by hillsongs.. and i remembered david intro it to me too.. i didnt noe the title of this song when i was distracted.. thn i juz close my eyes and be ready to receive God's message for me.. and i was listening to the lyrics.. thn i check the title.. it was STILL!!! thn i'm like OMG! where got so qiao one?! =
i listened to it carefully and images were running in my head like mad! the one dream i always had since few years back.. i name it The forever comforting dream.. ok most of u dunno wat i mean.. i kept having this dream over and over again.. and it goes like this.. i always sees myself in a dark room with jesus on a stool in his white robe.. and me kneeling on the floor beside him, resting/crying on his lap.. and him sayanging me..

everytime the dream is always in this setting.. thn it will goes with different things.. once it was me crying over some dance stuffs.. some conflict i had with my old crew.. thn in the dream God did not speak but i felt the comfy.. and i remember seeing myself dancing infront of God in that dream.. i was awsome! i nv dance so well b4.. but it seems weird cos i nv done things liddat b4.. and the dream keeps coming to me.. not onli dance.. but the main part is the scene of me restin/crying on Jesus's lap..

i feel that it is a message from God to me.. but i cant get it.. what exactly am i suppose to noe from that dream??? =\ oh man.. pray that God wil speak to me more more more more more!!! lol.. and of cos.. during juz now the private "session" with God, i prayed for myself.. i prayed that he wil help me with my studies, my dance, my temper, my attitude basically, my life.. i felt that my life is a BIG BIG mess now.. thou nothing much is happening but i felt like it's a masked chaos.. =
juz pray thst everythin wil be fine.. and God.. pls speak me to MORE often -.- haha.. ok i went to search on the lyrics of the song STILL.. i somehow got abit of what God actually wanna tell me thru the song =) well.. God.. true enuff.. i wanna hide under ur wings.. like the song said.. "cover me within your mighty hand.." and this sentense.. "When the oceans rise and thunders roar.. I will soar with you above the storm." i wan it that way God.. and the last sentence.. "Know his power In quietness and trust.." this felt like the answer to my dream.. quietness.. like i said.. God did not talk to me at al in the dream.. no verbal messages.. and trust.. somehow.. trust was present in the dream.. if not why would i rest there.. so peacefully resting on Jesus's lap..

wow wow wow~! think i got God's message =) daddy i lvoe you!!! =)

Still - Hillsongs
Hide me now
Under your wings
Cover me
within your mighty hand

When the oceans rise and thunders roar
I will soar with you above the storm
Father you are king over the flood
I will be still and know you are God

Find rest my soul
In Christ alone
Know his power
In quietness and trust

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


sorry but i juz needed a place to rant this out.. having to tahan it every min of my life outta my house is killing me =\ having to act nothing's wrong.. having to act strong.. having to juz put up a "i dun care" mask is much much much more tiring and harder thn i thot it would be.. argh.. i wish this wil be gone.. hais..............................

everyday is a torture to me.. i wish i can avoid seeing u.. but i have no choice unless i quit studying.. freaking hell.. can someone juz kill me or lend me a hammer?! cant take it anymore =( *those who're readin this and noe who is the YOU i'm talking about keep shut alrite.. i dun wanna explain i dun wanna say.. i noe many of u wil say "why him?!" but aiya like i say i dun wanna talk about it =( anyway did this pic in class today and i find the words meaningful.. did for the 3other babes in class too

hmm gd day i guess.. lesson went smooth.. presentation went well.. and one thing reali reali proud of myself.. lol.. i on Passion of Christ for few of my classies to watch.. and i realise the compassion in them =) oh man.. thank god.. easier to reach out to =) i explain things which they dun understand and try to tell thyem about god's love..

like.. jesus suffers al these for us ok.. u and me individually =) hopefully i can show them the truth =) thank god for giving me the right words to use.. cos initially i was afraid that i might offend them cos few of them are muslims ma.. not reali nice to say these kinda things.. but somehow god gave me the right words to say =)

hopefully can reach out to few of them =) now i wanna read more on my bible to gsin more understanding so i can explain better =) and also it's right for me to noe my god rite -____- wat a lousy christian i am sia.. =\ noeing onli so little =( i juz read on genesis chap 1-3.. from the beginning, to adam n eve and to the fall of man.. wanted to do a pic that summarises all.. but my brain reali CMI liao =
so i guess wil leave it til tml ba.. =) and also my BIG AUNTY reach liao.. =( sian.. pain like mad sia =\ damn weak now man =( like wan die dun wan die.. hang in the middle.. OMG.. cant even water margin =( no strength and concentration liao.. =\ OMG OMG OMG.. i wanna rest le.. gone for now.. wil blog in class tml =) dun even noe goin sch ma =X feel very weak... =\ if cramp thn not goin le.. since is communication =X hahaha..

oh and today's a suay day sia.. =\ i big aunt come, liyi and andy lost wallets, vern sick.. =\ OMG.. today nothin wrong ma.. 23rd.. not 13th also =\ no wonder i hate the number 3.. >=( rahh! pray everyone wil be fine.. *prays prays* and lol.. kenn chatted with me wor.. so funny.. hahaha.. but ya he's cute la.. lol! send me a song which i have for like 3-4version liao -.- ok nvm i'm a l'zefier fan alrite.. lol

ok i guess i better KO liao.. damn damn weak le.. no strength to type liao =( go nite everyone.. *muacks*

tonnes of misses deep within but there's nothing i can do but juz to look you hoping you'll be happy everyday.. i noe i cant do that.. well.. i'm a failure..

omg.. i've been sneezing ever since ytd nite -___- jialat sia.. didnt wanna come sch today.. but got UT sian =( not eniff time to finish my paper sia.. hais.. another module GONE =( feel so puffy today =\ eye puffy, nose puffy.. like i'm floating sia =( feeling damn cold sia.. walao and my grp today.. sian la..

my eyelid closing automatically liao =\ hais.. dunno y i stil feel the sourness in the heart when seeing things liddat =\ sometimes reali feel like scolding myself.. y am i so stubbrn?! let go means let go liao la.. it's OVER! why the bu se de feeling?! >=( can we juz change class asap? i cant take it sia.. seeing things liddat reali makes me wanna... ok nvm.. -_-

how i wish i'm in other sch now =\ nyp sp or np also nvm liao =\ as long as the sight wont be encountered again =( hais.. reali is damn damn sian now.. ARGH! who ask me no courage to say anything.. and my pride.. hais.. who ask me to resemble a lion deep within me.. rahhh! =( i wann get well soon.. i wanna dance!!!!! dance my worries, dance my troubles, dance my sourness away!!!!! =( god.. pls help....

Monday, May 22, 2006


omg.. i'm down again with fever and flu.. -____- damn jialat.. been sneezing ever since i reach home.. argh! rushed for my RJ the very first min.. cos juz went for dinner with mummy.. =) had crabby.. YAY! =) ok fat liao.. sian.. haha.. omg i'm damn lazy to do anything.. feeling abit low now.. dunno y.. haiz.. affected by alot of things i guess.. him.. the incident today.. the pms.. the sickness.. omg la.. =(

i wanna do my bible study! omg.. haven start yet.. =\ well nothin is smooth =( i wil try my best la.. today got 3 chap to read lei.. omg omg.. hopefully can complete.. if nt thn i guess i wil start tml.. damn sick now.. needa slp early.. dun even have the mood to play.. not even eat.. omg..

quite jialat sia.. =\ jiuming ar.. wo yao si le la.. =( tml got UT omg.. *faint* sam wanna meet me up tml.. hmm anyway.. sam is the president of hiphop ig.. see how la.. very lazy and also might be lunching with classies ma.. anyway juz now went to watch over the hedge with vern n nic.. nice show.. reali is lame dao mei you hua jiang sia! lol! damn funny! tink i need more cartoons to relax abit.. =\ been reali down recently.. after effects of some stuffs ba.. =
it's stil u that i miss.. but u wil nv noe it's u.. u'll onli tink is him.. hais.. i dun have the courage.. if onli i have............

but wil it make a difference?

i guess not..


omg.. i'm down again with fever and flu.. -____- damn jialat.. been sneezing ever since i reach home.. argh! rushed for my RJ the very first min.. cos juz went for dinner with mummy.. =) had crabby.. YAY! =) ok fat liao.. sian.. haha.. omg i'm damn lazy to do anything.. feeling abit low now.. dunno y.. haiz.. affected by alot of things i guess..
I DUN LIKE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!! >=(

not gentleman AT ALL!!! i thot they were nice.. knn.. help buy one nasi lemak also so hard?!?! it's my first time wat! how would i noe how to order?! order onli 3packet?? FINE LOR! i get the message.. dun help dun help la!! big deal ar! being a guy til liddat.. go eat shit la! bang wall til u die also nobody wil care lor! reali fuck sia! i have my own limits one lor! i did say pls lor! fuckers!

i wan my 7brothers back =.........( why everytime liddat one?!?! i reali miss my 7dears =((( now i finally noe.. they reali treat me like a princess b4.. but here.. i'm treated like? SHIT! >=( buy one food also so hard meh?! if u tink it's funny.. for ur VERY information.. IT'S NOT FUNNY!!!

fucking dulan now sia!!! cbcbcbcb! >=( i swear i dun like them liao.. i thot they were nice.. i THOT!!! i was proven wrong.. and best part is after that stil can act nothing happen.. walao.. ehh life is not liddat one la hor! act act act can get u no where.. it juz buries al the hatrad and one day it wil all show when one cant take it anymore.. and very very very soon i will be liddat!

say this is my attitude or wat up to u al la.. i noe i got attitude problem.. but i SWEAR this time is NOT my fault lor! i said pls lor.. i said i dunno how to order lor.. i mean.. wat's wrong?!?! dun wan buy thn SUA LA! dun eat dun eat la.. hungry til die better.. rather thn gettin ppl who dunno how to be a man to buy for me UNWILLINGLY! keep saying other ppl gay saying other ppl sissy.. i tink he's MUCH MORE BETTER thn u guys la! at least he's a GENTLEMAN who noe how to put ladies first..!!!! unlike u idiots who onli noe how to put urself first!

i tink i had enuff la.. even if one day i get out of the clique i also wont care la.. wat's the point?! being in a clique with ppl who're buay steady.. ppl who dun care.. ppl who act act and onli act!!! kaox.. i miss 7dears =( where's my 7 princes who wil treat me like a princess??? =( wil u guys come back? =( missing u guys so much.. =..............(

when ur names are written, u're deeply missed.. =(
my 7 princes..
juz came back from movie with billy =) went to watch da vinci.. to be honest.. i catch no ball -_- the story fly here fly there.. thn reali dunno wth they talkin also.. damn damn chim.. i onli noe form beginning already is telling lies liao.. say wat.. jesus and mary are husband and wife -_- pls la!!! jesus was crucified at a young age.. how to get married??? and of cos if mary was pregnent at that point of time, human blind or they cannot differentiate a pregnent woman and a not pregenent woman???? walao.. reali nonsense..

i onli noe my neck hurts when in cinema -_- first row lei.. walao ehh! wat a NICE seat -_- and the show's damnnnnnn long sia! wanna pee! lol =X i tried my best to understand but i onli got abit of it -_- now it strucks my interest liao.. hehe i wanna do research on it and see wat nonsense they have... damn lame sia.. the pic of the last supper by MR WONDERFUL DAVINCI.. the young lady very chio sia.. izit davinci's gf? kaox..

reali i bth.. i shall go read my bible.. thn read davinci's book and thn do some counterring.. cannot take it sia -____- LAME!!!

ok i'm outta here.. HUNGRY!!! byebye =)

Sunday, May 21, 2006

long time nv reali hao hao blog liao.. haha.. was hooked up with this game called water margin.. madness i can say!! it's reali reali addictive man.. i'm like chionging it til rather lte everyday lol =X i'm gonna post alot of pic in this post.. wil talk as i go along =) the first pic is the character i'm using in this game.. =) the occupation is a theif thus the costume look so liddat la.. we can change everythin one.. like the cap, the dressing, the bracelet, the necklace.. blah blah.. damn cute... next time i post al the diff head gear.. it's the funniest one i tink =)

this photo i post b4 le.. is my sch's ramp at ard 6-7pm.. nice rite? after this i got a nicer one =) tatone i took myself de hor! damn proud that i wil stay in sch til so late.. lol but is not of study la.. is cos of dance hehe =X

nah.. this is the one =) nice rite?!?! the previous one is tken from below thw ramp.. i take one is from top of the ramp haha =)

this is my clique in sch =) the guys.. vernon, sean, nicholas and andy.. the girls.. cheryl, sheryl liyi and me =)

is liyi's birthdday anyway =) reali had fun disturbing her =) hahahahaha! the cake miserable rite? =\ dun worry this is to juz trick her haha.. the real one is in class =)

my class!! W25E =) last day of gabriel teaching.. =( sob sob.. gonna miss him for all the sraight Bs i got lol =X he's a nice fellow..

lousy camera man -_____________________-

me and sheryl at woodlands mac =) too boliao liao lol =X

me and cheryl.. same.. at mac

me and cheryl in class.. see how cold we are =S we reali are very cold ok -_- my jacket is vern's lol.. mine is not enough sia! i've been wearing 2 jacket recently.. poor vern =X

me and jessie =) my eye looked sore lol.. but is not la.. lol.. reflection of my red hair =)

she pretty rite? =) see.. with ugly ppl contrastin her she's even more prettier =(

we took this secretly.. lol.. that's y very blur.. too bored during lesson la =X thou is gabriel's lesson =X

sheryl did this for me!! sweet rite =) muacks sheryl =)

my lil angel =) blur but nvm la got a idea of it can liao.. it almost die lei =\ lucky i did CPR for it lol =X some of u noe wat i talkin about la.. lol my bubbles theory =) it's damn strong now lol..

it's white ok.. not yellow.. -_- lights ar.. sian.. it's damn chio lei.. the body hor got silver reflection one.. but my camera too LAN so cannot see =(

went fish farm on mother's day with mummy n her bf.. lol got this few pics.. i got caught sia ma de.. cos cannot take pic.. tat's y onli got these few =( but nvm la.. this is my sister =) her name is spotty sting.. =)

this one damn interesting! it's stone fish.. look at it carefully.. it looks like human.. EXACTLY! with hands and legs..

this one clearer.. can spot the "leg"?? omg.. i laugh like mad when saw this fish lol!

that shud be about all =) gonna play my game liao hehe =X lvl 26 liao!!! currently leading!! yay!!! haha gd nite peeps! muacks muacks =) oh ya tml got outing with classie =) yay.. dinner at changi =) ok i'm outta here =) -gone-

Friday, May 19, 2006

Having 2nd breakout now.. hmm not feeling very gd.. tink having stupid PMS =( mood been reali bad recently.. realise is since ytd.. i told vern and andy i got PMS liao lol.. to "warn" them first of my "red alert" lol =\ but seriously la.. my att prob stays stil =( juz had a tiff with him.. aiya sian la.. dunno is relai my prb or whose prob.. hais.. seems like we can never communicate well.. it was liddat.. it is liddat and i tink it wil be liddat in the future.. =(

watever la.. tink i very hard to communicate with 1989s.. seriously.. maybe except for emi and vern ba.. ytd had reallllll fun with vern online lol!!! madness! we played water margin and ALOT of stupid things came out from it -____- watever la.. al the jokes on me AS USUAL -_- lol.. hmm i tink it's fun la.. hes a DAMN LAME guy.. lol!!!

ok i tink i'm missing emi baby now =( EMI!!! can we talk tonite?!?! i missh u nei =((((( u faster go dl water margin lei.. thn we play tgt la.. =( i also miss dancing so damn much.. ytd's audit the freestyle component i reali had fun man!!! the whacking i did.. it was WOW! lol.. i mean the feelin la not the skill haha.. =X the last time i reali whack was at barcelona.. imagine HOW LONG it had been =
ok gone for lesson soon.. having tummy reaction now =( and abit of headache cos ytd didnt slpw ell.. hais.. sian la.. argh.. and oh ya.. i hate my team =\ fuckin idiotic.. got that female 1989.. knn! she suck! if she give me att today i swear i'm gonna give it back to her.. a perfect day for att prob today for me man.. =\ argh i HATE PMS!!!!!!!!!! PMS u SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! get awy fromme soon PLS I BEG UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.. =(

and i'm damn worried for my one and onli last lil angel sia =\ this morning it seems better thn ytd le.. but it's stil very weak =( hope it wil be fine =( i miss my angels =(

Thursday, May 18, 2006

tired tired tired!!! @__@
had UT today.. am ALMOST late.. =\ i took cab lei waliew.. almost 8bucks sia &^$%#%^&*!!! damn sian! today's gabriel's lesson.. but he left le.. sian.. in came a faci name carrie.. she very yaya papaya.. =\ but ok la.. not that bad afterall =\ quite funny but abit yaya nia..

after school got hiphop ig audition.. went for it at E3.. hmm okok lo.. quite ok la.. easy =) but when suddenly say got freestyle i'm like "WTF!" everyone noes i cant freestyle la =\ but i did la hehe did whackin =) damn shuang! they're like WAHHHHH -_- is not i'm gd la.. it's juz they nv see whacking b4.. =)

met CA, sam, fel and tricia.. yeap.. they're ratherrrrr nice la =X okok the girls are nice =) had alot of interaction with a few ppl who's there for the audition haha.. cute ppl =) but now i'm superrrrr tired =\ after gamin awhile i go ZzZzzZzZzzzz liao lol.. tired ar...... oh and my angel die le =((((( so fast sia.. one week nia.. no.. 4days nia =(((((((((((

damn damn sad lei.. =(( i came home thn suddenly how come one peng san =( thn another one like depression liddat nv move de =( OMG la.. how how?!?! hurhur.. vern say the water chlorine too strong for them =( omg la.. damn damn sad.. hais.. let's pray for my lil angel ba.. =(

god bless my angel.. amen..........

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

tiring day today =couldnt concentrate in class actually =well.. receieved email on the drama n hiphop ig.. seems like i'm damn freakin sian of the hiphop ig now =\ ytd had a "battle" with the stupid person from hiphop ig alongside with tosh with me.. haha =)

2 headed snake means 2 headed snake sia.. cannot tahan this kinda person.. if u al wan can request the chat log between me nhim and the conversation me, him and tosh had.. wahlao tink u al wil BLOOD SHOT in the eyes ar!! he simply sucks la.. and for some unknown reason, now he's talkin to me.. DAMN DAMN DAMN nicely.. haha.. wonder wat he heard.. lol

oh and i got new nail colours =) red, yello and blue lol.. damn cute! and the bottle's freaking cute! tml shall take pic of it and post here =) bathed my poor fishy today as well =) i reali dun dare to use my hand n transfer them over sia.. =\ so i did the shake shake and push push way lol =X my mum say they sure die very soon lol =(

wah damn tired le.. guess i better ZzZZzZzz now.. arbo gonna be dead.. today sch sucks =\ couldnt concentrate at al.. and the work's like SHIT! u noe? shit? SAIIIIII! =(

ok nites all................

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Woots, my horoscope forecast!! sunds interesting huh lol.. let's see wat'll happen today =)

Something you've been waiting for is coming forward today and you will understand. A special delivery is headed your way today. It may not arrive in the most attractive package (or any package at all), but it's something you've been waiting for -- for a long time. Want a few hints? Well, it has something to do with love, acceptance and contentment, and it's something you thought you had once before. Its entrance won't be dramatic, but at the end of the day you will understand something you never did before. And that's the definition of a good day, isn't it?

Monday, May 15, 2006

nice ma? i do de wor.. lol =X ok i'm in class now.. wahaha. today's lesson's DAMN DAMN fun!! wahhahaha! programming! wil blog again tonite =) muacks i love jesus!!!

nice ma? i do de wor.. lol =X ok i'm in class now.. wahaha. today's lesson's DAMN DAMN fun!! wahhahaha! programming! wil blog again tonite =) muacks i love jesus!!!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

woots HAPPY MOTHER"S DAY!!! =)
juz came back home.. haha went out with mummy whole day.. went to ah ma place first thn went pet farm thn fish farm.. ok i got 2 new babies in my room now.. lol.. 2 red eye angel fish =) very cute lei.. they're so damn small la!! lol.. =)

actually wanted to buy goldfish de.. got one reali caught my eye.. it's red n white.. mostly white.. with a patch of red on the head.. and it's abit slanted.. i thot it looks like me thou =X haha.. and with it's BIG tummy and short tail.. it's freakin adorable =D but end up saw this angel fish thot it would be gd for me to have some "peaceful" feeling in my room since i'm already a MAD person out.. lol

they're in white/silverish and with red eyes.. freakin nice.. =) thot of naming them but thn i tink again.. abit no point lol.. since they look EXACTLY the same -_- lol.. got this new mini tank for them and i juz cleared my com table =) cleared my desktop so i can put my mini "home" for my lil angels =)

aww.. gonna settle their homes now.. haha.. half done! ok gonna get reallllllll bz.. needa settle their home, thn my nails and thn GAMING!!! lol.. ytd played water margin til morning ard 8am @_@ li hai ba.. wahaha! quite fun game la.. thou i die dunno how many times.. played with vern an cheryl lol.. andy went to slp first cos he got work today.. ok now waiting for them online play.. haha.. needa slp early cos tml got sch -_- sian.. lol =X ok there i go!! wheeeeeeeee

Saturday, May 13, 2006

i felt empty..
i miss him


juz done my blogskin =) juz got the inspiration to do it after watchin passion of christ.. haha.. juz felt tat the show had affected me alot.. thou dun reali noe wat n how it affected me.. lol.. how's this skin? anyone pls comment =) to me i LOVE it alotttttttt.. lol.. the baby with the star on top of it.. it's juz so WOW! =) and the jesus thou it looks abit sad cos the pic's showing jesus suffering with the crown thrones =
but i take it as a reminder of how christ has suffered for me ba =) and make sure i obey his words as of today =) i chose red n black.. black is cos tat's always theme la lol =X and red is cos "jesus's blood" it cleanses us and it's thus super holy.. =) i love the new song i changed into also =) title is "i love you" i dun have the song.. i juz found it in webtunes and fine it damn nice and suits the sin so i juz place it in =)

i like christian sogs with lil kids singing =) super nice! did this skin since morning 11am + til now @_@ seen soooooo many jesus's face lol =X ok it's a gd thing thou.. haha.. i almost died when i was changin my font colour =\ didnt noe which is the best.. i waned to use maroon but hor.. i stil like pink =X hehe.. nvm la.. special ma hor? haha.. oh and i did a pic also.. =) purely my design ok.. and with god's inspiration haha =) ok im off to slack online.. haha..

juz came back from willie's "birthday celebration" lol.. more like a normal dating ba.. haha.. we went to watch poseidon and thn went LJS to eat thn went esplanade there a place to drnk n slack.. hmm chatted alot lo.. as usual my mouth never stops haha =X

oh man.. after a bottle of tiger, i'm tired liao.. lol.. not tipsy ok.. juz tired.. -_- walk pass esplanade juz now.. saw hakim.. hmm he's with BAD.. why sia?! weird.. =\ and feel kinda weird.. like.. erm.. we're from diff crew =\ ok nvm bout tat.. who cares.. haha =X

saw ray too.. haha.. keep disturbing me.. nabui.. bout the "xinwei" thingy =( idiot.. ok so here i am blogging now.. hmm got a lil bit emo juz now when drinking.. but of cos managed to stop myself from being emo.. haha =) woots.. see how strong i'm getting =)

ahhh.. i dunno wta am i doin now.. =\ i miss him.. =( and HIM.. oh man.. i'm so flirt.. =((( but missing ppl nothin wrong rite?? i hope nothing wrong ar.. hais..

missing u is normal since we juz ended.. but i certainly wish the frenship wil not be affected thou i'm a lil bit affected.. seein u everyday in class rubs salt into me.. =(

missing U is not normal i guess cos somehow we're not allow to be tgt.. there's obstacles along the way.. be it is a obstacle or it's a stop sign to say "no entry".. we stil have to depends on fate.. time wil show us whether the endin we once had is a real ending ornt..

Friday, May 12, 2006

this i reali wanna say.. i love jesus so damn much now.. ytd watched passion of christ didnt noe i wil cry so badly =\ from beginning of show non stop crying remix til the end lei.. =\ li hai hor?! this show is like 9879843578265827365times better thn windstruck liao la!! broke my record for crying lol!!

thou i already noe the story but it was juz told to me verbally by my church pastors.. i noe i feel sad for jesus for wat he went thru.. but i didnt noe i wil feel THIS sad.. =( i see al the strokes on jesus's body.. walao!!! my heart CUI AR!!!!! =....( seeing how the ppl ill-treated my lord i relai feelin like juz slap them to death! but no.. jesus teaches us to love ur enemy.. =( bobian lo..

and watchin the show also helps me learn abit.. remember one part is about jesus's disciple Judah.. he cursed the kids.. thn the kids says him "u cursed.. so u r cursed within" so i learn that dun curse ppl for when u curse, u r cursed within.. =) u noe seeing how the ppl scolded jesus, malign him, hit him.. stone him and spit on him, i reali feel like shouting at them lor.. =(

wah tat sho reali breaks my heart like mad.. =((( seeing jesus without complainin letting them hurt him.. lettin them scold him, lettin them say nasty stuffs even thou he can do somethin to protect himself.. reali make me damn CUI! =(((( but he obeyed god.. he stil pray for the ppl who crucified him lei!! walao!! hurhur!! =............(

and when he's on the cross there's another man who's being crucified too.. he heard jesus praying for the ppl, he noe tat jesus is real.. and he asked for forgiveness for his sins and wanna be with jesus eternally.. he said to jesus "forgive me.. and will u keep me in ur memory?" jesus said "amen i say to u.. from now on u wil be with me.. in paradise" wahhhhhh! xingfu lei! if onli i can hear from jesus as well..

well.. i heard from jesus =) i listens to the truth and trust in him =) oh ya.. one part the was questionin jesus.. jesus said things like "the truth.." thn the king wonders "wat's the truth.." and he ask his queen.. but the queen said somethin real meaningful.. "no one can tell u the truth unless u wan to hear it urself.." wahseh! SALUTE! =)

i wanna watch it again lei.. lol =X ok shall watch it when the nest day got no outing or sch haha.. swollen eyes arrrr =( hmm now waiting for time to pass.. lol.. waiting for that willie's call la.. -_- haha.. after tat goin out with him le =) so tired.. @_@ waliew raining damn heavily now.. =( pls stop soon..

Thursday, May 11, 2006

tired sia =\ =\ =tml's holiday again FINALLY!! THANK GOD!!!!!! =i'm like super sick la.. headache, fever, sore throat.. =think my whole class's like half dead.. =(
sheryl's sick, kokwai too.. and can see a few of them aint feelin too gd.. =(
hope they'll al be fine..
i'm sick of acting whole day long la.. =(
finally tml til sunday i wont have to hide anythin le..
can juz pour my feelings out and dun smile when i dun need to..
cant imagine the breakup is juz few days back.. =(
but i have to behave PERFECTLY fine when in school =i need a place to rant.. and that's here..
my heart sinks real deep..
i reali am stil lost bout wat is the feeling in me now.. =it's juz so damn confuse that i reali dunno wat i feel..
tml's gonna meet emi (i tink) and evenin's gonna be willie's bday =)
got BOOKED by him lol.. -_- anyway am plannin of wat to get for him..
wat shud i get? =juz did alf the pressie.. but no more idea for the item liao =argh.. let me die laaaaaaaaaa.. =((((((
so many things on my mind man..!!!!
juz kill me! may the lightning strikes me tml..
or the car bang me down make me lost my memories..
or even let me slp til die baaaaaaaaaaaaa.. =(((((((((((((

go die le.. gd bye.. (_-_)..........................................

when i'm lookin at u.. i feel the pain in me.. when i dun see u.. i miss u.. i wish to disappear.. to somewhere u dun exist.. i wish to juz be gone.. hoping time could turn it's hand back to the days when i could smile.. with ur presence that's around.. when i misses u, do u miss me too? when i wish to see u.. does tis happens to u too? i guess not... =...(
my eye's damn puffy =\ sian la.. dun wan puffy eyes le la.. pls pls pls spare me can?! =( dun wanna wash face with tears anymore.. dun wanna tink bout anything anymore.. =\ dun wanna wake up with super small eyes anymore laaaaaaaaaaa =( hais.. dunno wat the hell i'm feelin rite now.. i feel peaceful but somehow not peaceful =\ why sia?!

who can help me?! =( i tired.. tired of everythin.. tired of school.. tired of hurts.. tired of loves.. tired of classmate's attitude, tired of having to listen to everythin which i dun wanna listen, knowing thing i dun wanna noe.. and i'm tired of life.. =( why is life so tiring?! cant we juz live without any worries? oh man.. i wish i havemore strength to go on.. =
saw munloon, guoquan and shumin today at BK.. but didnt have the courage to say hi.. cos it's been like AGES since we last met.. =\ wonder if they're stil in YMM.. =\ i guess they're stil there ba.. oh ma.. i miss YMM so much =( i miss church.. i miss the happening P&W sessions.. i miss al the after-service chilling madness at church office.. and i miss the LONGGGGG tabled lunch =( wil these come back to me? i need god's presence so much.. i need him! =(

i'm juz too tired.. of everythin.. tired of faking a smile whole day.. tink the onli time i'm truly me is when i'm here blogging.. alone in my room.. listening to songs, staring blankly into my lappie.. and letting wild imaginations run thru my head.. =\ i need god.. i need love.. i need his arms ard me.. and i need someone to be there for me to cry out loud to.. =..(

hais.. life.. sian la.. fri's gonna celebrate willie's bday with him.. ok he's tryin to be damn secretive la.. not telling me where we're goin.. -_- and best is onli me n him.. HELLO! where to?!?! sell me?! lol.. no la.. kiddin.. =) he say it's to cheer me up -_- dunno is cheer me up or make me cannot slp but keep thinkin where r we goin?! lol.. and wonder wat we're gonna do.. he say it's somewhere we can see nite scenes of singapore.. hmm weird.. nvm la sounds romantic lol.. =X imagine he's someone i like ba.. lol =X replace awhile hehe..

i hope he dun read my blog =X walao n his daily grades are like A, A and A -_- how sucky ehh?! maths he got straight As.. kaox! wonder is his faci gd or is he reali tat gd -_- unfair man! nvm he say he'll teach me.. muahaha! he's gonna vomit blood.. =X tml's UT and here i am bloggin stil not slpin OMG la! and i forgot to dl 6p.. =\ lucky tosh reminded me.. phew~ he send me al of them.. haha.. and if i pass i muz treat him drink.. waliewwww! win le lor.. -_- ok la go KO liao.. damn tired n needa listen to some songs and try to sort my mind out..

i dun wish to care too peeps.. but i tink he somehow stands a place in my heart.. i juz cant seem to see him "die" lil thots of him, lil cares for him.. stil fills me no matter wat.. =( i tried not caring.. but i cant.. hais.. why am i always so silly? i hope he dun feel weird.. i hope the weird feelings in him wil soon be gone and life stil goes on for him.. may he grow may he learn..
went northpoint with cheryl and saw this voodoos.. so came home and find some pics of them.. actually wanted to show vern.. but end up i post everythin here.. lol.. cos they're simply SOOOOOOOO cute!!! =D i wanna have a few of them lei.. =( but hor most is from overseas de hurhur.. can onli find a few in spore.. =\ hopefully can find some of the ones which i reali likes =) there are many kinds of voodoos here.. got guardian voodoo, love voodoo, healing voodoo, empowering voodoo and spell voodoo.. enjoy the pics =) shall blog in next post.. to prevent this post from gettin TOOOOOOOOOO long =\..

Name: Zombie
Description: Is there anybody who is harassing you or making you suffer? Ask Zombie to seal the person's evil mind. It will free you from the suffering.

Name: Samurai
Description: Samurai is a fighter, a protector, and a savior. It will keep wicked people away from you. Always feel safe and secure with your Samurai.

Name: Safety Boy
Description: We all live with hidden danger, hoping for a safe and happy life. Keep the Safety Boy with you. It will keep you safe, protecting you from accidents and injuries.

Name: Oni / Aka Oni
Description: Do you hope to gain more power? Do you need to be more courageous? Oni, a Japanese legendary ogre, is a guardian of power that will keep you stay strong in any situations.

Name: My Angel
Description: My Angel is a guardian of good luck. Let My Angel be with you, and believe in yourself. Things will start working out , and good luck and happiness are coming after you.

Name: Little Prince
Description: Family-a precious thing for everybody. Do you always pray for the safty and happiness of your loved ones? Well, Little Prince will hear your prayer. Let it be your family's guardian.

Name: Little Mummy
Description: Protect the everlasting love between you and your spouse with the Little Mummy. It will guard a couple's love, helping them stay faithful.

Name: Little Pirate
Description: Do you have any friends or family members who work or study being away from home or overseas? Captain Hook, the ruler of the sea, together with little pirate, will bring safety and security to those who are away from home.

Name: My Angel
Description: My Angel is a guardian of good luck. Let My Angel be with you, and believe in yourself. Things will start working out , and good luck and happiness are coming after you.

Name: Jungle Boy
Description: It is sometimes hard to get used to a new life ; being a freshman is inspearable from worries and stress. Jungle boy will give you the strength and skills to survive the new environment.

Name: Child Ghost
Description: Feel like paying somebody back and giving the person a lesson? Then, Child Ghost is your best choice. Look to Child Ghost for its naughty power to give the revenge!.

Name: Captian Hook
Description: Do you have any friends or family members who work or study being away from home or overseas? Captain Hook, the ruler of the sea, together with little pirate, will bring safety and security to those who are away from home.

Name: Bat Boy
Description: Are you often stay out late at night? Do you get off work in the midnight and hurry home in the dark? Keep the Bat Boy, and let it guard you from the danger in the dark.

Name: Baby Mummy
Description: The baby of Zombie and Little Mummy. It is the second powerful in the mummy tribe, and will prevent you from getting hurt by villains.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

juz came back from kbox at TPY with classies.. =) celebrated liyi's bday and everythin's fun =) school's fun too.. it's gabriel's last lesson with us le =( he's leaving le.. hais.. how i wish he can stay.. =\ always liddat de lei! gd faci dun stay long.. lousy ones stay like FOREVER =( tml's another lousy day la SIAN! dun wanna see that F biatch's face man =\ she sucked! such a fun module can let her teach til like F sia =\ &^$$%#&*

i feel that many ppl ard me is tryin to cheer me up alot recently.. but guys.. trust me la.. i'm fine =) serious.. at least i can stil smile yea? =) juz need abit of time to adjust my mind back to the "i'm single and carefree mode" quote from one of my classie's msn nick "life's not about bf... blah blah" yea? agree! =) life's gonna be gd for me from now til forever.. even prob comes along, i'll accept and face it =) i believe god wil make a way =)

chatted with J abit in sch.. oh man.. things we chat about r making me goin mad la =( tons and tons of hatrad towards LJ sia.. NABEI! >=( and tons and tons of messed up feelings in me =\ well.. we both said leave everythin to fate la.. if it's meant to be, it's meant to be =) at least we once had reali truly LIVED in each other's heart and lives.. =) and for that, i'm truly thankful enough.. =)

also went to watch hiphop ig today la.. waliew one word to describe.. YUCKS =\ seriously la.. they cant F-king dance la!!! call themselves bboys or bgirls?!?!?!?!?! walan ehh.. JIASAI LA!!!! i'm gettin damn pissed when i saw them "BREAK" >=( they cant F-king toprock and cant even have nice footworks.. no freeze successfully done and onli noe how to POSE! i dun call them dancers i swear! i call them poseurs!!! dressed up like a dancer yet dance like shaking their butts! KAOX! CMI CMI CMI! (cannot make it)..

nvm! when i get into hiphop ig i swear i'll revamp the man.. kaox.. relai cannot tahan such lousy ppl sia! i mean if they're lousy it's not a sin.. we shudnt look down or discriminate them.. but the main prob here is they're f-king full of themselves and tinks that they can f-king break like wat tosh says.. walao.. cant take it sia! a few of them shows damn shitty attitude too lor like "ehh i'm a dancer.. how? wanna battle?!" kinda face..

ehh PLEASE LA!!!! dancer big F ar?!?! not as if u're president or wat.. kaox.. many ppl wanna be a dancer cos they tink it's cool.. nice costumes.. nice hairdos.. nice make ups.. about the same treatment as a star.. but dancer is easier cos onli need to dance.. but how wrong they r man! dancers are the HARDEST job in the entertainment line.. we practise 8hours a day juz to get the 5min MAX on stage? tat's pro dancers life la..

i hate it when ppl say they're dancer but they're actually not.. they say it cos it sound cool.. they say it cos they THINK they can dance.. kaox.. pls la.. when u see the outside dance industry.. thn u shall guage how GOOD u r.. and how COOL u look doin those steps on stage with wat a COOL make up u have.. argh! cant take it.. mad mad mad mad mad!!!!!!!!!

when receive his sms on the way home, my heart raced abit.. i noe i shudnt but well things juz ended.. i need time too ba.. so heart racing aint anythin wrong at this point of time i guess.. =\ glad he stil cares.. i feel sad actually.. for him.. wont wanna say it here la.. but it's ok.. i noe can le.. dun come ask me.. i wont say.. thanks..

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

low morale =overslept today.. was late for UT.. =\ and i swear my UT's RIP liao.. hais.. =( should have slept early ytd.. =\ slept at 3+ sia.. sian.. couldnt get to sleep at al lo.. hais =( today got my damn puffy eyes and damn painful headache =\ oh and got tummy reaction today somemore.. argh.. =( today aint a gd day for me sia.. =
hopefully following of the days wil be better ba.. chatted with alot of ppl ytd.. thanks to al my concern frens =) my classmates, billy, emi, jason.. thanks man =) i wil be strong dun worry peeps =) juz celebrated liyi's bday =)

dunno wat stupid feeling is in me now =\ juz feel like digging a hole n stuck my head in it.. =\ juz feel like having another round of heavy cry =( but i noe i cant.. i muz stick to my words.. "one last cry.." once and for all.. tears are representative of weakness and i shall not be weak.. =\ my heart's cryin.. however.. =..( haiz.. may my heart be heal real soon =
Happy 18th girl!! =)

Monday, May 08, 2006

the end..
everythin ended..
thou not as devastated as wat i had been thru..
but stil i'm sad.. =(
i'm too shattered to write anythin now..
i guess i wil blog later thn..
gd nite..

_________________ran away from reality awhile____________________

ok i'm back to edit my post abit.. i went to read on the quotes of the day.. these are wat i found to relieve my pain abit.. =
"i'm going to smile and make you think i'm happy, i'm going to laugh, so you don’t see me cry, I’m going to let you go in style, and even if it kills me- I’m going to smile"

"Sometimes you've got to let everything go - purge yourself. If you are unhappy with anything . . . whatever is bringing you down, get rid of it. Because you'll find that when you're free, your true creativity, your true self comes out."

yea.. i'm goin to smile no matter wat.. a fake smile is better thn no smile rite? =\ can i juz vanish from this earth?!?! reali sick n tired of alottttt of things =( tml's UT yet i noe nothin on wat wil come out.. =\ ok back to my feelings.. ya i agree that if i feel that its unhappy i shud let it go earlier.. many say me.. "why u stil so silly?!?!" i noe la.. but well.. "a leopard never change it's spot" =\ i stil hold on tightly to my beliefs in love.. "never risk never noe.." hais..

well.. i was proven once again that "no no no not this one" =( when wil i find my HIM?!?! =( okok patient i noe.. =\ listening to alot of emo songs now.. hais.. onli wish things wil be fine after tonite.. =\ i noe god wil give me back my smile soon =) a true smile deep from my heart.. tml's gonna visit hiphop ig booth.. hopefully could show my true smiles there..

like someone say b4 "xinwei i realise u can onli REALI smile when u're onstage or dancing.."=\ oh man.. i guess my bf or husband is reali mr dance liao =\ well.. mr dance is always there for me.. since i was 15.. dance nv gives up on me.. thou i gave up on it once.. dance is wat i truly wan.. someone/something that never betrays me.. finally i'm improving.. i wanna be better.. thn i'll be the best! at least in my own world.. i shall rule it myself..!!!! no one touches my life no one mess with it!

gonna live life to the fullest with al my sweetie frens ard me.. gonna live life to the max with my pretty mummy.. gonna enjoy life til i cannot enjoy anymore! and i'm gonna be better.. a much much better gf, fren, daughter, person thn i was b4! "breakup hurts.. it makes u fall.. yes it's true.. but it also is a huge force that pushes u to move n be better and stronger in life.."

p/s:thanks babes (cheryl, sheryl and liyi..) i love u girls lots.. =) hugshugs.. no worries ok.. i'll be fine =) and of cos my dearest baby emi.. =) thanks girl.. no worries ok.. i'll be ok.. i'm STRONG =) like u always say.. =)

after tonite, everythin's the past.. no more dwelling.. no more sulking.. life goes on and dreams stil alive.. we've gone our seperate ways and yeap tat's it.. al the best to him for his studies n dreams.. last wish for him is that he'll learn n noe wat is true love.. and find his ms right soon.. -loves-
dear angel, guardian of this weak me..

seeing hurts..
feeling hurts..
my heart is hurt by the freezing coldness he's giving..
i dunno where i've gone wrong..
i dunno how to break the ice..
i tried my best..
but i stil dunno..
this feelin in me is slowly killing me..
bit by bit..
dun u tink it's unfair?!
no honeymoon period..
no security..
i dun even feel his love for me..
do u noe seeing couples..
holdin hands, hugs..
seeing ppl's nick "my bf.. sweet" or watever..
can u feel the enviness in me?

can u feel the sadness in me?
do u noe how hurt i feel?
do u noe how lost i am?
i feel weak..
dear angel.. if u're real.. would u help?
ease this broken heart..
i feel like i'm on the edge of a cliff..
tears cant help but fall..
i cant do anythin but to fake a smile..
and act as strong as i can..
but i noe deep within..
i'm falling..


Sunday, May 07, 2006

today went to bugis with liyi n sean.. haha.. shop like mad.. and i spent like mad =( bought a adidas jacket, one zinc bag and a pair of high cut shoe. woots.. there goes my 130bucks =\ tml on eat grass liao =\ oh anyway, ytd chatted with jason.. dun be shock.. yes.. my ex.. jason =)

we chatted on msn at first thn talk abit thn i kinda tell him bout the situation i'm in now.. =( so he called me to chat.. haha.. we chatted ALOTTTTT sia.. he kept tellin me to erm.. not a very gd thing to do about the problem la.. =\ shudnt say it here.. yeap.. but i'm stil quite lost la.. hais.. ok thn we continue to chat.. we talk about the past..

al the sweet things.. thn we also talk about the sad ones =\ like the quarrels, the break up.. blah blah.. n now i finally noe the ACTUAL reason we break up.. >=( ma de.. al blame that bloody LJ.. knn! wonder wtf he wants lor.. he went to tell jason say i ask LJ to "report" to me watever jason do in sch.. KAOX! i swear i didnt ok! nabei!

thn jason say at that time he felt no freedom that's y he chose to end it.. but he regretted it.. lol.. well.. too bad la.. things can never be the same again.. we too agreed that if we were tgt tat time with the mindset we have now, the maturity, things wil be damn damn different =\ we might even stil be tgt now lor =
he said after the break up, he did try to find me back.. but i already changed my num and i didnt tell him.. =\ and he thot i dun wanna reply his sms al that.. he said he came to my area a few times.. but i didnt get the sms u see.. =\ and alot alot of times la.. well.. i guess everythin's fated ba.. =( but seriously i do miss those times la.. ytd we reali rake up ALL the sweeties man.. nabei.. =(

p/s: he didnt even care for me at all.. didnt even ask where am i.. didnt even try to care.. wat a WONDERFUL bf i have huh?!
**if onli things did not happen that way.. if onli things are not in this situation.. if onli......

a christian song.. but a damn nice song.. title "lay it down".. my feelings now.. =(

I’ve been looking ‘til my eyes are tired of looking
Listening ‘til my ears are numb from listening
Praying ‘til my knees are sore from kneeling
On the bedroom floor

I know that You know that my heart is aching
I’m running out of tears and my will is breaking
I don’t think that I can carry
The burden of it anymore

All of my hopes and my dreams and my best laid plans
Are slowly slipping through my folded hands

So I’m gonna lay it down
I’m gonna learn to trust You now
What else can I do

Everything I am depends on You
And if the sun don’t come back up
I know Your love will be enough

I’m gonna let it be, I’m gonna let it go
I’m gonna lay it down
I’ve been walking through this world like I’m barely living

Buried in the doubt of this hole I’ve been digging
But You’re pulling me out and I’m finally breathing
In the open air

This room may be dark but I’m finally seeing
There’s a new ray of hope and now I’m believing
That the past is the past and the future’s beginning to look brighter now

'Cause all of my hopes and my dreams and my best laid plans
Are safe and secure when I place them in Your hands
having damn hangovers =\ went to mox ytd.. with sean, bry and bry's fren regina.. reali drank like mad.. imagine we spent 232bucks there can liao.. haha =X drank venom and mango daiquiri.. YUCKS =\ not nice one.. thot baby would come.. but.. hais.. disappointment.. =( vomitted like mad ytd.. from yiwei n sean la.. lol they told me SOOOOOOO many things that i cant remember lor.. lol!!

we went to the private party at bianco it's a actor's bday.. ok i dunno his name =\ but he's reali HANDSOME!!!! lol =X alottttttttt of artistes are there.. ok yutaki's there too lol!!! OMG la.. he saw me when i'm like superrrrrr drunk =( SIAN! ros there too but didnt see her.. and jamie yeo and vernetta lopez.. woots.. didnt noe that guy so biang lol =X

we bump into him at toilet and he invited us up.. lol! no is FORCE us up.. wahaha! damn funny.. oh and saw bryant.. erm another one.. nabei he say i drunk when i'm onli tips -_- lol!! bianco's f**kin nice la!! looks like pure.. but nicer.. haha.. i cant believe i was that drunk man =\ til now i stil feel the headache and the wanna vomit feeling =\ feelin damn sucky sia.. but aiya who cares! he dun even cares.. hur!

went to town with sean and liyi.. shop alot haha.. and chatted non stop man =\ hahaha! tiring la.. but i very stone lol.. -_- baby's angry with me for ytd.. =( he gave me attitude like FREE la.. ^$%$%*( watever le la.. dunno wat to do also liao.. he also treat me like doesnt exist one.. =( hais.. somehow i tink lo why sia?! it's like we got common interest (entertainment line), same religion, same school (STA).. i dunno la i see alot of common stuff in us.. and best is he's leo! one of the BEST horoscope i like..

but i feel timings' wrong =\ he juz dun see wat i see.. he dun wan wat i wan.. he wans fun.. play n play.. i wan stability.. =( he tinks he's stil young.. but dun he see tat having fun dun involves playin with feelings? dun he noe that BGR this kinda thingy is not suppose to have fun with? he told me he wan to settle down one day too.. but why is he behaving totally unlike wat he said? =
i dunno.. many ask me to give up and juz end it.. =( but i'm stil hoping things would change.. i'm stil hoping for the miracle.. i'm stil holdin on.. i kept praying everyday.. =\ asking god to show me wat exactly is his plan for this? every r/s, god makes me learn something.. stop being a childish girl, dun be so possessive, dun be too sticky, no more emos, no expressway, alot alot.. but this? wat is it? wat's god's purpose for this?

i'm sure it did not happen by chance.. i'm sure baby came into my life not by chance.. am sure there is a purpose.. it's either for me to learn or for him to learn.. or better.. for both to learn.. i dun mind helpin him to learn.. as long as god helps me too.. =\ i need god's help ALOTTTT now!!! i'm so lost that i reali dunno how to move on.. path A or path B?!?! =\ like wat i always say "my doors are locked.. who can unlocked it?" i tink i'm stil in that state.. =\ hais..

god i lay everythin that i have before u.. use it for ur plan.. love is hard to define.. oni god's love is true.. who else wil love me truly? =(

Friday, May 05, 2006

in school now.. hmm.. aint feeling too gd stil =\ had swollen eye today =( things isnt wat i thot it is.. i dunno but feels weird.. had been praying ALOT today.. sine i left home.. til now.. have been praying over alot of things.. prayin for focus in class.. for easing of unstable feelings in me.. and of cos for no hurts.. =
lesson's not gd today =( very very not gd.. couldnt understand a single thing.. and cant even understand questions.. =( omg i wish to juz disappear from this world again.. once again leaving here n juz stay alone somewhere.. =( i dunno but juz feeling damn shitty..

regarding him? partly yes.. but stil there's alot alot.. my studies.. my life.. my dance! omg.. i tink i needa dance badly =\ now listening to "tian hui" (grey sky) by SHE.. omg.. the lyrics.. ARGH! have been avoidin this song since like dunno when.. but now accident hear it again =\ my god.. i wanna see stars.. i wanna talk to someone.. i need someone to confide in.. wat shit have i gotten myself into again?! =
ok maybe lookin on the optimistic side, i tink things stil aint tat bad la.. at least somethins i thot might be bad, is gd =) ok gonna work on my presentation already.. if nt gonna be CHOP!

have faith.. have trust.. in no one but god.. *god take over pls.. ur child here cant take it any longer =.........(

Thursday, May 04, 2006

feeling low..
aint gd at all..
if only things were as i hope it could be..
maybe i made the wrong decision..
maybe i shudnt have..
things aint i thot it is..
this isnt reali wat i wan..
but i tink i've fallen..
not deep.. but fallen..
things shudnt be this way rite?
in a r/s shud be happy..
but how? when i noe it might not last?
i seek for eternity..
i seek for faithfulness..
i seek for love..
if only he seeks them too..

baby i love you so.. but.. =..........(
wil god help? wil this work? wat wil happen? -lost- =(

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

this is the face i can describe my deep feelings in me now =) i dunno why.. but i'm feeling very very comfy now.. it's juz like everythin's outta my head.. no worries.. juz listening to the song "give thanks" =) ok i've dl ALOT of P&W song today =X i noe! i noe dl is not gd.. against law ma.. rite? =\ but hor.. POK LIAO LA! =\ how to buy cd?!?!

lol.. anyway.. school suck today =\ had communication practises.. i can say the faci DAMN DAMN DAMN bias la!!! *&%%#%^%*& give us attitude and alot alot la.. idiot.. angry sia! reali make til my team wanna leave lor.. but lucky we didnt la.. hopefully next few lesson wil be better.. i damn scared i wil fail this moule lor =\ got a C for the 1st week =\ and A for last week.. but A is cos the faci diff ma =( i wan GANESH LA!!!!! walao!!!

can someone juz drive and BANG this faci down?!?! >=( ok thou shall not swear or curse.. ok sorry.. =X in sch i damn sian la.. like my team got one person turn me off.. and the faci turn me off.. thn my team the besties with me one al also sian.. so we al moodless.. cos sian+sian+sian=EXTREME SIAN! =( somemore somethin made me felt worst abit la.. but SHHHHHHHH =p after awhile it was nothin la.. haha juz the mood we had at that time wasnt rite but now ok le =)

after sch went to movie with nic, andy and sheryl.. watched election2.. not nice! =( i wanna ZzZzZ inside sia =\ but ok la.. tried to watch lo.. thn after that go G12 with nic.. session's gd =) felt lke i'm back to YMM's cell.. stil can remember simon's cell.. ARGH! i miss my tiny cell =( all of them! thou there's onli few of us.. but we were seriously having FUN! til we combined with ps yvonne's cell.. thn SIAN =X reali sia.. hais.. miss them all!!! where r u guys?!?! kiankuen?! Lionel?! shawn?! emmie?! gracia?! abi?! kiankei?! paul?! kelvin?! veron?! oh man.. i miss al of u =(

may god guide me in everythin i do.. =) *i like this feeling of u and me.. juz like this and i'm happy enough.. thanks baby.. =)

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

when i see couples holdin hands..
envious i feel..
seeing couples juz strolling side by side..
envious i feel..

lookin at u..
but cant for too long..
stayin beside u..
but cant for too long..

there's something..
but have to act nothin..
there's love..
but have to act non..

when wil this end? =(
i wish to say it out loud..
i wish to hold u..
i wish to juz be yours..

ease this feeling in me.. i pray everythin wil be juz fine.. i love u afterall =) -loves-
free me.. from al the strings that are tying ard me.. i leave it in ur hand..

Monday, May 01, 2006

hmm havin many many doubts in my mind now.. =\ wondering about alot of things.. aint feeling reali gd.. =\ well.. hopefully everythin's nt as bad as i thot it might be.. i'm not a toy.. i'm nt someone whom u can play with.. i'm not someone whom u can betrayed.. tink carefully.. before any promise is made.. i hate broken promises.. and i hate lies.. so pls dun lie.. i know he's smart.. i know he's sensible.. and i know he can think very well.. i hope all these wont be proven wrong one day.. =\ maybe i'm having such doubts is cos this is a very special one.. i've nv been thru things liddat.. i've nv been thru alot alot alot.. hope things wont end up as wat i thot it wil.. ok i'm having very very bad thots of the consequences now.. =\ i shall leave it to god.. god.. pls take over.. clear these doubts in me and let me have the rite mindset for everythin.. -loves-
wulala~ didnt blog again ytd.. heex.. was out with classies.. went evangel family church ytd with nic.. =) was gd.. sermon's powerful thou the praise n worship i noe onli 1 song =\ lol.. backslided toooooo long liao.. well at least am glad i got the courage to come back to daddy's place =) maybe a few more times wil make me feel better ba.. but i somehow felt ok la.. fit in quite well juz tat my "ice" stil aint broken hee..

got in contact with kiankuen as well =) wow miss YMM so much man! =( shud reali go back one day.. he said he's stil in YMM anyway.. so i guess i'll go back with him one of these weeks ba =) somehow have to return to where i truly belinged rite? or shud i say originated lol =X after church me acc nic visit his grsand daddy.. =)

hmm from their conversation, it seems like his grand daddy aint feelin very gd.. i mean emotionally =\ i guess it's somethin due to the unfillial childrens of his ba.. hais.. =( lucky enough nic's a very "got heart" (wu sim) grand child =) (ok sorry la i dunno how to say wu sim in english =X) seeing the way he treats and talk to his grand daddy.. i'm rather shock.. cos its like.. a 17 guy can tink so maturely (gt such word? ok nvm).. aiya dunno how to say la..

lol if i relai say how i felt at tat time, my blog's gonna be super long AGAIN lol.. =X after that we went town to shop.. =) he bought his tee.. and me got nothin.. -_- ok at least i got a badge la lol.. CROWN!!! black n gold de okies! OMG OMG OMG!! wahahaha! so nice seh =D thn we juz walk n walk n wlak lo.. lol.. -_- well window shoppin.. wat u expect?! haha

thn til ard 7pm we went to meet andy at tpy.. went to slack n they went to play pool while we wait for cheryl to come.. after that we went K BOX!!!!!!! wahaha! finally!!! my urge is eased abit.. =) but not very shuang lei.. cos i tink la.. i didnt relai sing my hearts out lol.. after sooo long of NOT singing i tink i need a gd shouting n screaming my hearts out lol =X

after k we went yishun nasi lemak.. muahaha.. tat andy emo la.. aiya dun care.. =X i dun like to entertain ppl whom i tried to entertain n yet he hack me.. bleahh! i didnt do anythin so not my fault ma.. hor? haha.. ok anyway we went to eat thn after that go home le lo.. haha.. woooooo nasi lemaks there's the BEST!!!! but spicy like mad =( the otah's not as BEST as 848 de.. muehehe.. advertisement for my house area =)

nic sent me home and andy sent cheryl home.. ok if is andy send me home i tink we'll juz keep quiet all the way la.. well u al noe me.. i'm filled with attitude.. when it gets triggered.. whahaha u noe wat wil happen la =\ nic n me chatted alot on our way home.. haha.. nice stars at nite =) nice weather.. the same old path i walked.. alone.. when "he" left me.. the same old lonely path.. =( this time is juz added another companion beside me..

well at least felt better.. oh shucks.. why so zhun sia! i juz say "him" and he's online -_- ok nvm... went home thn chatted with cheryl abit and POOF i'm off to ZzZzZZzzz.. =) so now here i am typing my bloggy and later shud be studyin my UT.. SIAN!!! rahhhhh! oh well.. stupid RP makes me learn nothin =\ oh.. i cannot curse.. ytd's sermon teaches us to bless everythin even thou they cursed u.. =)

i hope this is not another god planned hurtin incident again.. i look for true love.. i look for lasting stability.. not unstability.. i wish to love the godly way.. the pure way.. and not those lil kids game.. hope things wil be gd.. leaving everythin in god's hand..
