Raining day..
hmm went to mac juz now to meet si.. thn saw mikal.. juz slacked my day off.. tml got work.. dunno wanna be happy or sian haha! like walao on 12th lei!!! -_______- sian! but since nothin to do thn work lo.. rained whole nite today.. was stucked at mac.. haha thn receive sms from emi.. sayin vith broke up with her =\ OMG! i'm like WTF la..! thot they'll last rather long.. somemore goin to be one month already things should be better de ma.. thn ytd they also like happy happy.. =\ aiyo.. stupid sia.. cant help her at al too.. can onli be there for her le lo.. =\ wah weather this few days damn cold sia!! shiver quite jialat =\ si came up with this funny thingy.. she say now wil scared of cold cos slim down le no fats to protect.. walao -faints- haha!! talk bout fats.. OMG i ate curry chicken today! damn damn damn fattenning ar!!!! cannot cannot muz slim down more! determination!!!! haha! hmm miss dearie alot now haha! today he got sch stuff to do so i leave him alone lo.. hmm cannot be too sticky also ma.. tml's our anniversary.. but he got sch stuff as well! ARGH sian! nvm ba.. postpone to sat or sun =) suddenly dunno wat to blog bout today haha.. so lifeless now.. lol! okok ba end my bloggy here le.. HAPPY ONE MONTH BABY!!! MUACKS!!!! =)