Thursday, December 01, 2005
HEADACHE~!!! >.< dunno why havin terrible headache now~ argh~! and something is terribly wrong with my blog.. this is the 5th time i'm typin for this stupid post.. sometimes i reali wish i have a better computer and a better brain filled with IT knowledge.. soooooo irritating..! anyway today supposed to have a job briefing at 2pm but i overslept so... yes i miss it again~! sianxxx~ thn i went to dance lo.. meet emi at 5+ at esplanade.. when reach there my reaction "warao sian~!" cos of the malays.. i'm not bein racist but i reali do hate them.. they are freakin gross~!!!!! they pee inside the store room at esplanade and keep bullyin weaker ppl.. even their own frens.. think they are some big gods of esplanade sia~! er xin~! cannot stand ppl who dun respect others~! same thing to UAN~ now there's this guy.. (most of u know who la) who gives me the feelin of "u r nothin to me!" to everyone.. maybe except to those that he favours.. SO WAT if he is the big shot of UAN~?! i dun give a shit to this.. dun groom me if u dun like it as if i reali desperate for it.. yes i'm desperate for my dream but not this way.. no respect = nothin.. so sorry in my eyes u r not even there.. tml me no work again~!!! argh~! sian replaced by "SOMEONE"~! angry sia~! no $$$! tml guess goin shopping ba since no work no dance.. althou very not used to it la.. everyday see VIP but tml nv see.. sianx~! nvm la muz get used to everythin.. never to depend on anyone or anythin..~! am stil learning this.. haha~! tml wil be meeting BB(jeffrey) goin fareast lo thn go heeren thn just slack ard town ba.. damn sian~ if onli i can buy kyohei's album~ hahaha! okok no link.. kkz da guess i'll stop my blog here.. nites everyone *muacks*