Thursday, February 16, 2006

hahaha! my bloggy nice? i found a few cute icons so i added them to my bloggy's deco.. heehee.. damn damn ahppy sia.. like "oh xinwei u're so li hai!" wahaha! =X shiok! ehh nt bad le wor.. a html idiot can do so many things now.. even when nobody teach me.. hahaha! ok enuff bout craps.. haha =X was doin al these when waitin for time to pass to meet mr superduper kel =) he accompany-ing me to farest to see my shirt for performance.. hmm dunno wat to get also.. worst come to worst wil juz borrow shir's red jacket.. AGAIN.. haha =X wuuuuuu i'm gonna be late if i stil dun run.. tonite blog again =) enjoy my icons hor.. heehee! buaibuai =) muacks