Friday, February 17, 2006

wahbiang eh can be more suay.. this morning kana big aunty but thn not pain i thot today wont be pain.. end up when shoppin with clover babes.. wahbiang the kick lai liao =\ damn sian sia.. thn we went to fareast n taka.. wah i saw a tee damn damn nice!!!! nv buy thou.. cos no money =\ but tml i'll go buy.. haha! damn nice! it's PINK!!!! OMG!!! wahaha! after few rounds of walkin me n si thn went to newton to dance le.. OMG cant believe tml's the performance already =\ quite nervouse actually.. nervous for sii also.. haha! woooooo damn happy.. dunno y also.. juz happy for everythin in my life now =) got my besties clover, got my dance mates, got my frens.. got a nice eyecandy =) hmm.. juz now took cab home with sii.. was chattin al the way.. she mentioned that yutaki is a very very nice teacher.. yes! i agree!! he's juz so damn concern for everyone of us.. not onli dance wise.. even our studies, our r/s, our bonds.. everythin! last time when me n jason broke off he knew bout it and he talk to me.. wahhh relai relai nice of him.. maybe he's partly the reason why i'll never give up dance.. cos he have high hopes for me.. and i dun wanna let him down.. hopefully i can reali make him proud one day.. i noe i'm stil far from it.. but i'll try al i can and go for it! hmm.. very tired today.. but cant slp yet cos stil got lotsa stuff to do =\ wahhh damn tired.. my god.. =\ hurhur! nvm at least i'm tired so i can slp very fast tonite lol.. and tml i can wake up on time w/o lookin like a zombie.. haha.. hmm wahhh tml's the big day =) so many ppl's performing.. haha! bryant performing, er cong performing, we al performing, yutaki's another group performing, FTC performin or shud i say battling.. thn kel was suppose to be in the battle too but now dunno how le.. hmm best part is every of the nsmes that i mentioned are performing at different places lol! so non of them can come watch my performance.. argh sian la! -________- nvm da.. hope they'll al have a smooth performance!!! =) lookin forward to tml =) oh i got a surprise for him.. haha.. but tink when he noe le he might #&*$%$ at me ba lol! =X wahaha!