8th jan monday 5.30pm - 9pm.............. practise with blast and MPs
15th jan monday 5.30pm - 9pm............. practise with blast and MPs
22nd jan monday 5.30pm - 9pm............ practise with blast and MPs
29th jan monday 5.30pm - 9pm............ preview at 7.30pm by chingay production committee
9th feb friday 5.30pm - 9pm.................. combine practise with float
10th feb saturday 4.30pm - 10.30pm.... full dress rehearsal at performing area
23rd feb friday 5pm - 11.30pm............... chingay first show
24th feb saturday 4.30pm - 11pm.......... chingay 2nd show
biantai enuff? =\ my days after sch is totally no more rest liao.. =( i dunno wanna say it's alot of practices or very lil =\ alot cos it's like al the way til feb.. lil cos hor.. got 2 or 3 stupid choreo to learn and we have to be everythin done by 29th jan which is the preview.. which means we onli got 3 practices to get everything! MAD! somemore got 300dancers and the MPs.. how to get it done?! OMG~ i see the schedule ytd i wan faint lol!! nvm la.. watever~ dance is my life anyway muehehe~ never tink it's enough XD
anyway... here's something..

wahaha! see the "LUSH" part? =X i noe i very haolian but LALALA~ we deserve the glory hor! overnite practices for 2 mad nites my tears! my sweat! my poor injuries! but all worthwhile man! i love it! XD