i swear i'm damn missing rite now =( today's a happy yet sad day for me =( 18th dec 06.. my dearest baby was enlisted into the national service today.. the stay over at his place was seriously a good one.. spent quality time tgt and he's real sweet =) the maggie mee taste extra tasty and the nite was a extra cosy one thou the weather's damn cold.. seriously i couldnt slp the whole nite =\ was tinking of alot of stuff.. like how am i gonna survive this pathetic 1 week.. like wil baby be able to come out for x'mas.. alot alot~
i did slp ar.. it was too cosy not to be slping thou =) we both were like fighting thru out the nite la lol!! keep flipping here and there lol! i was afraid he might fall off the bed lol! so was huggin him damn tightly *whenever i'm conscious la* XD another reason i didnt dare to 100% slp is cos i was afraid i cant hear the alarm =\ we have to wake up at 5am.. and we slept at 2am @_@ usually if is me alone at home CONFIRM wont wake up one =X but lucky i manage to wake up ar..
baby very lazy! lol =X i wake him up le, he stil show me a good sign *i thot he sriously wake up liao* BUT NO!!! lol!! he ZzZzz again -.- seeing him so tired, i juz let him slp awhile longer la.. so i woke him at 5.15.. haha! this time i shake til he wake up sia! lol =X thn baby went to do some surfin online and get prepare while i continue my beauty slp =) but couldnt slp la.. was kinda sad =( he's leaving! hurhur~ so i typed a longggggg sms to him in case inside got no reception =D
after that we ate our breakfast *baby prepare for me oh XD* thn had some photo taking time tgt =) must have a few picture of the "before" and "after" ma lol =X i swear i wil compare his photo before and after this week man =X muahaha~ my botak baby! XD ytd was funny.. we were out shopping for stuff for NS and also plain shopping :D got myself 2 tops, 1 from mng and 1 from bossini.. nice la! XD and baby got alot of stuff -.- lol! richass! haha~ oh and of cos we bought SUSHI!!! wheeee~ XD
here's the photos taken at his place =) firstly.. he say he look ugly -.- WHY?! lol~ stil as cute ma.. HOR???

ok i swear my smile were fake =X 5am lei!!!!! @_@
baby's a better cameraman thou -.- i love this pic hehehe~
ok i noe i'm rather random now lol~ too many things in my mind to blog about la.. forgive me :D back to today.. we took cabbie down with baby's daddy and uncle.. and met his granny at pasir ris.. imagine the heavy load of stones in me -.- lol!! but thn lucky ar.. we click! :D i guess when this kinda things ar.. family and gf gets along well easily :Dwe reach the shuttle bus pick up point at pasir ris interchange at about 8am ba.. and here's the board -.- upon seeing this i SIAN~ X( anyway company W.. whiskey wolves haha~
and on the bus to the ferry terminal.. damn the bus was shacky rahh~ pic so blurr~ hurrr!
look at his eyebag!!! lol =X awww.. poor baby =( wait.. mine isnt any better -.-
ahhhhhhhhh~ i didnt expect this lol! *shys* see the grin on my face muahaha~
again again! with a nicer smile from me :D
and a kiss from me to my dearest NSman-to-be baby MUACK! *ehh how come he look like a botak in this?!?!*
mwah mwah mwah~! XD cant bear to part with him AT ALL! gosh~~ T_T
ok look at his sian face! lol! i find this damn cute la! XD and his orange juice =\
walking on this long stretch of path to board the ferry feels like "the road to heaven" lol! or rather more like HELL~ hurr~
nice scenary.. bad environment~ so lonely! onli got trees! X(
another ferry of un-partable families and NS men.. *by lookin at this pic i somehow feel i'm on the ferry again! lol! the seasickness.. HOW COME?! i love the sea neh..*
on the ferry XD feels like goin on cruise thou lol!!! =X
ahh~ i hate my smile -.- but i love him XD
*baby:"i'm so happy i have u by my side"*
*me:"it's been a long time since i feel like this.. i dunno y but i love u alot alot.."*
here we come.. baby's new home for this week =( *looks like some resort or chalet to me thou =X*
heavy footsteps towards the parted week for us.. ahahahaha! SIAN lol!! XD
ROARS!!!!! tekong! #$%^&*#@
baby's room! dunno which bed thou.. upon seein this, his reaction is "HUH! no bolster?!" lol!!!!
i dunno whether can take photo ornt but aiya juz take blur of cos =X
waliew! see the canteen! not bad lei~ after touring the campsite, it seems like i dun have to worry that much for baby thou =D but i'm stil worried la~ his conditions.. sigh~~
see that?! koh yong jie floyd! lol! company W platoon 2 section 4 =D
ok here's the happy moment thou.. oath taking.. i'm proud that my baby's gonna be a MAN real soon =) and of cos seeing al the parents worrying for their son truly touched me alot.. for once i wish i dun have a son =X no nid to part with them lol =X ok day dreamin -.- i was sitting on the same row as baby.. BUT different ends! rahh! X(
see him?! the one in "black" it was dark blue la but the lightings..
woots! that's my baby :D
cant reali see thou~ lol!
after that we had lunch tgt *for the last time this week =(* thn walk him to the place to report to thn we part le =( hurr~ i wanna cry!! =( baby juz sms me.. he's very very sian.. his bed was one of the ones that were beside the window and damn the rain is coming in =( wahh! baby baby!!! =( i reali hope he'll be fine there man.. today first day.. confirm very hard for him.. now day 1's over le.. he's having free time now.. hope he slps earlier.. dun wan him to get tired man =\ omgomgomgomg i'm goin nuts~ rahhhhhhhhhh~!!!! X(
counting down to our next meetin man! oh ya.. he'll be able to book out on sat le :D 23rd.. evening i tink.. the commander say evening la.. but baby say noon.. dunno la~ wil confirm again one fri.. thn he'll be posted to new unit on 26th.. hopefully is somewhere gd and near for him =) and of cos hope it'll be 8-5!! thn i can see him moreeeeeee! XD hurr counting down~ 5 or rather 4 more days....
we may be worlds apart.. but definitely we're close at heart..
missing him like crazy is al i can say
him is al i can onli tink of now..
i swear i'm goin crazy..
gd nite baby..
i miss u~