imagine me.. in dancefloor.. WITH space.. yet slping lol =X too bored la.. not in the mood to club.. ok anyways.. today finally got some rest and able to be home to see mummy.. YETTTT she tell me not to go home !%$# =( but she kiddin one la.. haha~ juz tat she nv see her bf for long also le ma.. haha~ so ermm.. private time u noe? haha =X
hmm went to bugis with baby before i went to work.. terribly need to see him nah~ lol =X and muahaha~ had ajisen AGAIN! XD okok at least the craving's tamed :D so hapy siak~ cuttlefishy!!! XDXDXD okok i wil cut down on that.. MUST jianfei!!! rahh~ i've been complaining i'm fat yet am not doin anythin bout it~ IKO IKOOOOO~~ *slaps*
had a happy day with baby thou errr.. at one point he was quite "turn off" by wat i also dunno =\ juz hope it was a normal moodswing nia.. cos i seriously dun wish there's anythin more wrong =\ we're both trying hard to match one another.. and i noe it takes time.. i was fed up with myself at times.. =\ but i noe i'll take time too..
so lets hope there'll be enuff time for us to reach where we both meets =) i'm rather emo today.. err not the sad sad kinda emo but mixed feelings ar.. miss mummy alot.. never see her like a week le =\ and miss my lappie =X miss my bed =X and of cos miss baby la XD oh and this is affecting me alot recently =\ i had this scary dream =\ on the day we got tgt.. i definitely hop it's not a bad sign or wat =
it was a scene where i see myself jumping on many pieces of glass.. i dunno is by accident or wat =\ *i might be psycho in my dreams* thn got 1 pieces pierce thru my sole.. so i sat down and try to pluck/squeeze it out.. and it wasnt a tiny piece =\ was about hmm.. the size of a green bean or slightly bigger.. thn when i was pushing it out, suddenly the surrounding of the wound size about a 50cent coin, sunk in =\ like as if my meat dissolved within sia!
thn worst is after it sunk in, there's another piece! =\=\=\ it's like alot of pieces got into my skin but i onli see 1.. but after it sunk, i see them.. my god! it's damn gross~ and my reaction after my meat sunk in was i went mad =\ as in i relai scream and shout and freak out =\ when ever have i freak out in my entire life? other thn seeing jabs, seeing insects on me.. even these i wont freak out like screming ard la -.- the dreams' damn scary.. i seriously woke up SHOCKED~ =
damn.. god ar god.. dun scare me liddat nei.. ok? my heart weak lol =X anyway i'm missing my baby badly le =( tml's his "last day" before NS.. HURRRR~ last time i keep wanting a bf in NS so i can feel the desperation to see each other every weekend.. now i dun wan le la!! very tong ku siak~ hurhur~ =( anyway tml's gonna spend my nite there =) can spend a nite with baby before he go in.. go there stay over, thn morning send him in le =( thn i come home koons and work at evening..
gosh.. work's getting tiring =\ i MIGHT quit when yr 2 starts.. dunno.. not sure yet.. sigh.. aiya! sigh dabian la! $%^&* gonna slp soon~ tml meeting baby and acc him for shops :D:D *me too not onli him wahaha* i'm gonna be labelled shopping queen by fen soon lol! =X anyway juz a note.. i'm happily attach.. dun try to do anythin funny to this r/s or i kill!! lol! not specifically referring to anyone but some stuff i hear today during work was quite a turn off =\ so BLEAH~ i'm taken :D
anyway here's the sweet photos that day XD firstly is baby and the "circle that never breaks" =)

thn is the ugly me -.- U-G-L-Y
AHHHHHH~ why i so fat?! X( and why baby looked like kana force to smile!? ok anyway we ARE standing in the circle lol juz that cant see XD
heh heh~ i look thin here! XD and baby look nice too whee~
aiyer i wish i more thin lol =X okok enuff of nonsense tml's gonna get busy~ woohoo~ goode nite! XD
how do i live without u? i wan to noe..
how do i breathe without u? if u ever go..
how do i ever.. ever survive?
how do i.. oh how do i live?
i love u
*the song tian tian ye ye by FIR hit me =\*