firstly, Hey Sugar! @MoS ytd this is the reason i'm tired!!! -.- from left:baby mango , me, nanaxx and lifeng

the FcuKers! woohoo~ lol =X i'm not scolding vulgarities u noe O.o *i'm hidden*

yea! finally got me :D i love my dress thou muehehe~ and my hair and my boots! ok i love myself that day :D and of cos i love my darling XD

went to chinatown with mummy last week :D and these are the pics taken.. mummy say i'm mad -.-

my eyes went @_@ when i see al these reds lol!! supper red!!

these are beauty! i got a super small one for my phone chain =) with my chinese name 薇 on it!! and i swear the lady is VERY good at it! it's a art in china call 笔砚 =) mummy got 1 too and hers is a panda lol! mine's sakura flower :D

i cant believe i saw this!!! OMG~ it's

mummy's treat to shark fin soup :D i noe it's nothing special as it's cheap (to many of u) but to me it's priceless cos it's from mummy!! i love her :D and it's been a LONG time since i had shark fin and i'm stil loving it!! XD

i'm not sure if it'll be clear enough but this is the "menu" from that place and i can say all of them ROCKS!! but i didnt eat all la lol~ and i wont eat cos it's all fried =\ FATTENING!!

AHHHHH! my fellow cancerian!! =X i ate it! =X

and a whole plate of it!!!!!!

back to the beauty of chinatown =)

财神爷 give me money moeny more more ok? gam xia gam xia :D

that's the end of my day =) had a very very nice day with mummy.. shud spend more time with her like this =)

next, it's some stupid pics la.. lol =X my sch yes the retarded poly, had FIRE DRILLS few days back.. -.- like HUH?! i thot thaqt's onli in sec sch one.. liews.. so this is wat i've seen for the VERY first time in RP lol!! so many RP-ians!

walking down the slope of never ending -.-

i told u it's never ending rite?

shri and lisa eating the cooling ice cream from mr ah huat aka the BEST faci u can ever find! :D

sihui (left hand side red tee) and genevive (right hand side black tee)
i was trying to capture genevive!!! roars! she's shy lol!

from left : irwan, shafiz and errr i dunno him =X

Miza and lifeng *wat's with those faces?!?!*

i got no idea wat's with them -.-

omg this pic's so cute! lol! irwan!!! he's a shy guy lol~

this is me and lifeng! XD freak! why am i so chubby?!?!?!?! X(

Mr Ah Huat!! aka the BEST of the BEST facilitator in Rp!! i wish he can be my faci for the 3 yrs.. thn i wont fail liao =( but he's a enterprise faci la =( and my course has NOTHING to do with enterprise -.-

HEY! wait.. ya thi sis another snap of secrecy again lol~ but this is my senior in sec sch!!! i mean the one in black.. lol~ and i tink she look so much prettier now!!!

close up!

she look very princess-ish! ok not look but FEEL very princess-ish :D ok sorry to say this but she's not some born beauty =\ but her make up, dressing, everythin is so nice now!! maybe the way she carry herself stil wrong la.. but well.. at least i learn somethin here.. appearance can be altered!! lol =X
and this few days i've learnt that girls, as long as u're confident u're half beauty already.. no matter how ugly u look! it's true! i'm gonna have more confidence :D and one main thing i need to change.. the way i stand, sit and walk.. i tink i've been hunching alot =\ ewww.. it's damn ugly! omg! straight back straight back!!!!! rahh!
ok anyway planned a few things with feng for this holiday lol~ we're gonna swim to exercise and tone our body :D omg i cant wait for it! XD do u noe a caterpillar evolves into a beautiful butterfly? and ugly duckling grew into a beautiful swan? =) yes! i'm gonna grow into a beautiful me! whee! restructuring iko in progress! gambate! woots~
as the caterpillar grows..