it's finally the day i've been waiting for ever sinc ei'm a student once again.. yes it's the last day of me being a yr 1 freshie.. but why aint i happy? =( sigh.. nvm.. i tink i'm juz missing my classies and the wonderful facis we had this sem.. argh i knew it.. i knew i'd be sad after all.. stil remember the very first week of sch where we ALL hated one another lol~ not reali hate but reali DUN LIKE.. =\ but now? omg~ emo la! =( today's final lesson.. enterprise. basically did nothing.. went to sch at 10am (thanks for the morning call uh -.-) and this is wat i see..

bahhh~ my swollen eyes due to lack of slp @_@ ok that marks the end of my yr 1 life.. hopefully i can pass smoothly and eveyrthing go smoothly from now ba.. my life is in a mess now.. i feel lost.. and VERY lost.. i need a job to occupy my holidays.. i need ppl for me to talk to.. i dun nid cold shoulders and liars out there.. i juz wan to be happy.. give me a life..
it's a lie