i especially LOVEEE the watches la!! X( i was actually looking for bags but end up didnt see any nice bag.. manage to get hook on a few watches.. =\ ex sia~ =( juz satisfy the eyes ba.. here's the ones i like.. both design got 2 colours.. so here u go.. *i love the first one the MOST =(

and thn baby gave me this webby http://www.shoplah.com/ reali power! lol~ the things there are nice and cheap! check it out man~ got my eyes on 2dresses and a bermudas from there.. here's the pics.. tink i relai wil get them.. give me some comment on my taggy yea? :D

and this webby i always go to when i'm doin online shopping.. http://www.nevaehstyle.com/ very cheap too! XD got my eyes on 3 tops but they al look the same lol~ got 2 is the same but diff colour onli.. and i tink since they're some rather normal looking spag, thn i might as well juz get both lo.. since it's darn cheap :D

lastly i miss my baby LOTSSS~ =( sorry dear.. i wil spend more time with u even online =( games onli allowed in sch or when i'm darn bored.. pokemon shud be cut down.. online shopping shud STOP! =\ sorry dear.. =( *btw i stole a pic of my darling which i LOVE alot =X hehe!