Hey peeps.. juz another free party on for all of u who are of legal age to club XD
Whosgoing.sg is proud to bring to you the 4th edition of TERTIARY FLING @Ministry of Sound. Tertiary Students, in MoS, moving to the sounds ofHipHop/RnB in the Main Arena. Let your temptations run wild... Join our hot ambassadors and the rest of the Whosgoing.sg members in this huge tertiary party fest.
Whosgoing.sg Tertiary Fling:
Whosgoing.sg invites tertiary students all over Singapore to Ministry Of Sound on 18th Jan 2007. Whether you're from the polytechnic, a private school or university, as long as you are of legal age, we want you down! JC students, celebrate the end of your A's here and be a part of the biggest combined tertiary schools' night. Come dressed your best and have a wildnight all at our expense! See you there!
*Free Entry from 9pm - 11pm (WITH tickets).
*1-for-1 on housepours and drafts from9pm to 10pm
*2nd 1-for-1 promotion during thenight. Watch out for it on the screens.
Disclaimer!:Any Under-aged (below 18years old) caught sneaking in will behanded over to the relevantauthorities.
so obviously it's NOT a underage party.. it's a FREE party for everyone of legal age! drop me a msg with the number of tix if u're interested ^^ and also even thou it's called TERTIARY fling, non tertiary students are welcome too!! XD NS men, working young adults, working adults.. whoever u are as long as u're 18 and above!