anyway today's a very weird day for me.. morning til around slightly before presentation in sch, i was super super enthu -.- i reali participate so much til "it's not me la" lol! but til presentation starts i abit nua liao.. hehe.. but i juz push la.. thn they ask question watever come to my mind i juz SHOOT! lol =X hopefully can anyhow turn a square to a circle ba =X actually got lush practiwe.. but i was sooooo tired til i reali CMI.. =X thn tapa told me the costume, vega's mum wil do for us.. omg.. so touched! even a parent is helping so much.. i tink i reali shud go for pratice le.. at least make the best out of myself even if that day i went to have aches al over, sprainmy ankle, broken hips.. blahh blahh.. juz do it man!!! woohoo~ XD
anyway many ppl's msn nick are rather emo recently.. =\ why ar?! there's "finding a place where i belong" there's "friends? they juz leave u when u need them the most" there's "death.." and of cos got me.. "God's asking me "when wil u come home?" =X ok i'm not being emo but i juz felt these are some "words" i "heard" or felt recently.. the home i mean is church la.. lol! my bf thot it's "come to the light" lollollol! laugh til die.. =X but seriously i needa go back church man.. but i no noe where to start =( back to YMM? to a new place? hais.. i cant easily fit into any church.. =\ somehow i'm attach to YMM for like sicne i was 10.. 9yrs le.. thou nv go for a long long time but it's stil my home church ma.. and it's my originall one and onli church.. it's not easy for me to break it out man =\ tried evangel with nic..
but erm.. i guess i'm not used to it ba =X hais.. how how how?! i'm like goin to the church i had at my home la -.- everyday listen to P&W song praying alone (not everyday).. hais.. i need to be a healthier christian man =\ ok i tink i'm kinda talking alot here le lol.. yes! o lvl's ending REAL SOON!!! XD EMILIA CHONG HUILING!!!!! come back here u biatch! lol i miss u =(