today's lesson was fun! omg cant believe i actually wil say math lesson fun lol! but seriously is reali reali fun.. teachin thru games =) smart teacher i have =) and real nice too!! walao i same project grp as that ah beng andy for 3days liao sia!! lol.. but he's fun la =) damn funny guy lol!
today our class keep bugging our faci to let us dun change our class lol! =X cos every semester class wil change =\ and i guess everybody wil hate that! today i see the way everyone talk to faci ar.. walao.. i'm like damn damn happy i'm in this class la!! they're so united n bonded thou it's been onli like 4th day of school.. 4th day we know each other!
thn i say "walao thn every half a year muz cry one time lei.. not gd u noe" lol! thn the class laugh like dunno wat.. haha! but lesson today is reali fun n relax! cos our presentation damn ez.. "wat have u learn?" lol! 4slides nia lor.. hahahaha!
had a very very tiring day thou.. cos i ZzzZzz at ard 3am+ ytd =\ cos somethin happened la.. dun wish to go on further cos since it had ended.. =\ and was sms-ing with nicholas til the time we both go ZzZzZz lol! cos he cant slp. i also ma.. thn til ard 3am+ we both tired.. hahaha! gd timin! nice chat la.. thou he dunno how to respond at times haha =X
went to dance at newton today with lush =) prac for sunday's item n they prac for levis com.. woots.. shiok ar! i tink situ's quite impressed la.. haha.. gd man! i told u they're gd!! =) trust me le ba.. muahahah! woots.. i'm tired le.. lol.. eyelid damn heavy sia =\ @_@ gonna KO real soon!
tml's meetin nicholas n sean at woodlands.. we not having breakfast.. but we buying snacks go class eat lol! fun hor? -_- their idea.. lol! but better la.. at least meet 8am.. i can slp longer.. hehe =X ok anyway gd nite!! muacks (_-_) ZzZzZzZZzZzzzZZzZZzzzzzzzz